Flamethrower Tanks

These are flamethrower vehicles that I think should be added to the Research Tree. Flamethrowers are generally looked down upon in this game, but I think they are niche class that have their place and role. It adds variety to the types of vehicles we can use and see on the battlefield



Panzer III Flamm

Type 97 Chi-Ha Flamethrower


give me KV8 and we’re cool

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Should be the new event reward for the upcoming update.

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You want WHAT???

A Panzer 2 with flammetrower is a pain same goes to the TT Stuart yea they are weak…and it’s their disaventage making tanks like a sherman a panzer or Even T-34 is not going to end well

Shermans, Panzers, and T-34 aren’t difficult to defeat, especially flamethrower variants that are forced to close quarters.

Yee but at that point You Will see a massive cycle of flammetrowers and if the tanks are fast enough You Will not be able to defend from them because i noticed that tank flammetrowers kill instantly

They lose hull MG so they will be worse against far infantry with rocket launchers.

Well it is a war game, death is constant. What do you expect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeee death is constant but not normalized by flammetrowers os more for artillery and bullets

Some of them stills having the cannon so it Would be almost the same with HE

I don’t think flame vehicles are a problem. You’re more likely to get repeated duos of King Tigers. They’re just another vehicle type that adds variety

Yeee… Seems that You havent realize that You are able to make every single tank in the Game a flammetrower one

And if You wanna know how destructive they are the answer is yes… They are destructive

Specially premium stuff like calliopes

And why it’s a problem? Flamethrower forces them to come closer where they are most vulnerable against infantry and tanks.

A Cannon is a cannon and if the tanks have a fast reload the result Will be the same as having an MG and probably Even more lethal

And again You are not forced to come closer these tanks stills having HE and able to blow You from distances no matter what

Yes there are many different flamethrower vehicles, the more the merrier, but I don’t think they would consume the meta. It’s like how often do you see Stugs.

I see them as nothing more than just another vehicle type that brings variety to our choices and the battle

Sometimes I want to play as a TD, sometimes a Heavy or light, and sometimes a flamethrower

Just like every other vehicle type, I hope we get various flamethrower vehicles. Research, premium, event

If you spawn in a flamethrowing tank and not get closer you are playing game wrong. Tank with a cannon and MG is superior over flamethrower tank if he stays far away from enemies and it’s a fact.

I’m the kind of player that really PTFOs as a vehicle. I like getting into the roles I’m supposed to play. If I’m a flame tank you bet I’m going to be on the frontline. Am I fresh bait, yes, but I have to do the role I’m supposed to do!