These are flamethrower vehicles that I think should be added to the Research Tree. Flamethrowers are generally looked down upon in this game, but I think they are niche class that have their place and role. It adds variety to the types of vehicles we can use and see on the battlefield
A Panzer 2 with flammetrower is a pain same goes to the TT Stuart yea they are weak…and it’s their disaventage making tanks like a sherman a panzer or Even T-34 is not going to end well
Yee but at that point You Will see a massive cycle of flammetrowers and if the tanks are fast enough You Will not be able to defend from them because i noticed that tank flammetrowers kill instantly
I don’t think flame vehicles are a problem. You’re more likely to get repeated duos of King Tigers. They’re just another vehicle type that adds variety
Yes there are many different flamethrower vehicles, the more the merrier, but I don’t think they would consume the meta. It’s like how often do you see Stugs.
I see them as nothing more than just another vehicle type that brings variety to our choices and the battle
Sometimes I want to play as a TD, sometimes a Heavy or light, and sometimes a flamethrower
If you spawn in a flamethrowing tank and not get closer you are playing game wrong. Tank with a cannon and MG is superior over flamethrower tank if he stays far away from enemies and it’s a fact.
I’m the kind of player that really PTFOs as a vehicle. I like getting into the roles I’m supposed to play. If I’m a flame tank you bet I’m going to be on the frontline. Am I fresh bait, yes, but I have to do the role I’m supposed to do!