Fixes, Features and improvements that Riders and APC Generally Needs ( At least, IMO )

I have a bike irl, it doesn’t pull to one side when you drive them.

is it a side car one?

or just “single” wheel

because if it’s just a regular bike with no passenger on the side, yeah no. they don’t.

but as far as i could gather when making an argument about side cards, they do steer towards the " weight ". at least, old ones.

It doesn’t have a sidecar.

Come to think of it a bike with a sidecar would probably pull to one side on extreme speed to the is asymmetric design and aerodynamic drag, but I don’t know I don’t have one.


that’s precisely how it works in the game.

which i think it is realistic.

but of course, i could be wrong.

I really don’t like the of a semi-trailer clinging to something invisible while driving. It has some problems with phys.blk, if you replace it with its oceanic brother phys.blk, the problem will disappear.

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i’m not sure i quite follow what you mean

like, you mean this?:

I really need me “clown shoe” (Soviet m3 scout car).

Also, making bikes a bit faster… all vehicles in Enlisted suffer from artificial speed nerfs…

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i used to play alot coh2, kinda why i wanted an m3 in enlisted too haha

but yeah, both for allies of the western and eastern front.

could be quite a fun vehicle and " gun 'n run " type of vehicle.

it even has the m2 50 cal.

can’t wait.
lots of possibilities and lots of new toys for making riders more appealing and still viable at higher brs.

at least, that’s what i think.


russia could also get their own native halftrack called the ZIS-42 based on the zis-5 truck


as if the car is clinging to some small object, it sometimes turns to the right after this, but I have never seen anything like the one in the screenshot

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What would the step by step process be like to attach the tow to the vehicle?

either the arcady way;

aka, park the halftrack in proximity, jump down, and hit a button on the actual gun so that the… game will attach the gun to the halftrack / truck.

or… the realistic way. ( similar to bfv. one of the very few feature that was actually cool )
drive slowly with the back of the halftruck to the back of the gun, and the game will automatically lach it to the back of the vehicle.

or even automatically from the driver.
just press space bar or left mouse, / trigger button and it will attach the gun. ( opposed as doing it automatically by just reversing into it )

up to them really.

but it would be great to make use of already placed guns that were left previously or just early.

but i suspect your hidden message is right.
perhaps i am way too optimistic about it.

Attaching cannons to halftracks deserves its own thread, considering they don’t have the “will automatically replace the last structure of this type” mechanic for them and, thanks to the same terrible driving physics that shake your motorcycle, you basically cannot push or steer a Pak 40 to the next point.

This would give an immersive, and hopefully viable way, of moving them around.

Given their utility in making end/flank runs far from the bulk of the team, but the inability (for obvious reasons) to take an Engineer in the squad, my single largest suggestion for “APCs” is that they should incorporate/function as ammo boxes.

A real shame because there are plenty of them that can be added, although most would fit as event or premium squads.





I made a thread a while back about how to improve riders by making them a more light vehicle-based class rather than just motorcycle-focused.

Basically, just give them cars with guns. There was no shortage of such vehicles.


Just want to say im 4000% behind these thoughts and changes. :pray: Fantastic work

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I’m glad 101 days have gone by, and someone remembered the Soviets and Japanese had motorcycles in WW2.

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made one over the editor too:

but i suppose it’s too difficult to get a new animation.


Is the Dagor engine too complicated?