Fix the D*mn cycle spammers!

Hmm, that’s good info. If I’m rocking an SMG or LMG, I’ll try to grab a few pot-shots, but didn’t realise it made much difference. :slight_smile:

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It does.

But sometimes people can steal your kill this way If you severely damage an enemy aircraft over the battlefield with your own plane.

Which can also be quite frustrating. But what can you do?

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Usually, if I’m in my German Stuka and the enemy has a fighter plane up, I get ONE PASS, maximum. No, I don’t normally Kamikazi into the target, but when I have and the house is full of the enemy, I am the only one that ever dies. If they don’t have enemy fighters, I can kill 6 to 12 enemy with every pass. Same with my US P51Mustang, if they have enemy fighters up, I get one pass and shot down. It’s truly remarkable how little the DEV’s apparently regarded the P51 since it is so easy for the enemy to bring down. :rofl:

thid is far worse in pacific in high br with rockets

yea i got 2 aircraft kill steal by some A hole the whole kill credit system need a rework tbh

as for the cycle i have seen worst that guy only die 11 time i seen one die 23 time cycling plane and somehow not on top but being 4 on the team (cause he mostly miss like a fool)

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Well… Something is planned for such players, you will see it soon.


oh it gonna be the apocalypse for them i bet

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Since Rocket Man dies like between 12 and 27 times per match…
No, not really.

That’s mean more work for me…


That’s not the point. The point is it’s very Very annoying and nearly impossible to counter. That affects gameplay and like I have said in the past. On invasion defense mode the defending team loses no tickets while he is doing it.

Lmao true, especially if what I think is getting added is implemented

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funny remark:

Your 3 first spawns:
105 Sherman ->Whirldwind ->P51(suicide bomb)

I hate when you guys talk like yall know something is coming but don’t say anything to us!

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Well. If there were counters against cycle spammers, especially the suicider versions, they would get bored… and the meta would not exist in the first place.
But reality is different as you said.

that because they do but it nda or something like that

classic shadow case


Hope that solution Will work😜

I hope they do with americans TOO with their rockets

Done с:


Anti suicide kamikaze mechanic is added in the new test server for the forward update, topic closed