Problem 1.
When trying to change a preset with M3 Grease Gun to .30 cal Tommy plus other fluff, if some items are missing the game doesn’t change the main weapon even if there are multiple copies available.
Clicking “Apply” without buying the missing items doesn’t change anything, doesn’t even add the .30 cal Tommy which I obviously have:
Problem 2.
For some reason sometimes the game automatically adds (USA) to the beginning of the preset name and you can’t remove it
Problem 3 (the devs are supposedly aware but it never hurts to remind)
The game does not add the most upgraded weapon when selecting a preset.
E.g. I have a soldier with .30 cal Tommy and I want to change the preset to M3 Grease Gun:
I select the M3 preset and get the 1-star M3, however I have fully upgraded M3 available:
Problem 4 (more like a wish).
It would make much more sense if the game used a “warehouse” type of equipment storage, e.g. if I need just one Springfield sniper rifle in all of my BR presets, I would only need to buy a Springfield sniper rifle once, and upon squads presets would simply link the soldier to that single sniper rifle I have in the warehouse.