Fix Seelow Height maps - make them less linear

The Seelow Heights map was designed around the Armored Train Escort game mode. Because of this, the playable area (train station town) was made very narrow to force the player to push the objective (moving train).


Example of the invasion/confontration map, Werbig Station

Since the playable area is so thin, players are forced to run directly into a (tank) meat grinder with absolutely no other option. There isn’t enough room to flank quite frankly. It just offers a bad and boring linear experience.

Widen the playable area and shrink it - making it less of a long strip.


  1. Instead of a straight line, add some points off to the side for Invasion maps.
  2. Add more locations (houses/fortification) to this new playable area

Example of the invasion/confontration map, Werbig Station


seelow heights is just one of the reason why i hate berlin maps.


The train game mode was fun when it first came into the game - however those matches lasted very long… it was simply a different game, almost felt like a event at sorts.

I dare to say that invasion should be the absolute main gamemode.

Where heights?