First spawn delay for tanks

Planes can spawn 30s after the match starts. Imo tanks should have something similar, but maybe shorter.

Such situations are simply stupid. Tanker can get a lot of points simply for shooting at the big group of enemies that just spawned.
Tanker: low effort for a lot of kills,
Infantry: gets killed without it’s own fault

Of course spawn delay is not an ideal solution. But it’s fast and easy to implement, unlike changing multiple maps or redesigning how infantry spawns.


Spawn delay for mortar teams when?

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As I’ve said, it’s not an ideal solution.
It’s a map design flaw that will take lon time to fix. Spawn delay is just a temporary solution.

but how do i get easy kills then?

from ~hour ago


You mean how do you show your skill? Or how do you demoralize the enemy? Or how this is your hard earned reward?

it is really hard earned reward… do you know how hard it is to find more than few enemies on one spot if not at beginning of the map :rofl: do you think that enemy is actually defending the caps so that you could get those kind of kills by shooting at cap? :stuck_out_tongue:

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No need for this nonsense, just spread out the spawn area and allow players to click where they want their squad to appear within a certain range of their own edge of the map.

You can then spawn whatever you like, because unless you’re running cheats, you’ll have to spot/find the target first.

I dare to say, that defenders should simply spawn further apart and not all right inside the capzone - this way planes also don’t need that spawn timer.

There should be no spawn delay at match start, but once a vehicle is destroyed the vehicle slot should be locked for 30s before a new one can replace him

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I think it would be much better if the tank start at a farther distance from the objetive


I agree to something similar. (as a stop gap)

this was one of the causes of snowballs I had listed in my thread

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Yeah, I’m not a fan of this approach.

Well the maps aren’t big enough for that, but even if they were, they should just be better designed in terms of spawns and the allowable spread of players across a spawn area.
If they didn’t artificially bunch up players as much it might not be so bad.

I hope that only light tanks will join the battle at the beginning, and as the battle heats up, more powerful war machines will join the battlefield.