Find the mistake 1.0

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The shells in the back are exposed in the real life version and covered in the game version. The ladder is down in the real life version but flipped up in the game version. The stabilizing feet on the sides should be in the down position when people are walking on the platform, probably to stabilize the metal grating parts held on by the chains. Also it looks like in real life the soldiers would take off their backpacks when operating the gun, and probably would have their personal weapons stowed on the vehicle instead of slung like in the game version.

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in 2nd photo camera man is holding a kiraly while taking photo unlike in first photo.


i liked that one

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Why wouldn’t you want the gun to have the best possible gun depression?
Makes no sense
There’s also a metal part on the model in between as you can see.


Thats in my opinion is part of the problem, this vehicle has enough disadvantages, why would it should be pentrated with no negative akle in the driving direction (as it has in real)

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Also it seems the gun is elevated higher above the truck in RL, wich improves the ankles aswell