Filters for Killfeed

Don’t know if it was already suggested (didn’t found a similar suggestion), but filtering the killfeed would be nice.
For example the option to only show:
-deaths or kills
-squad/groupe only feed (team feed disabled)
-and maybe more (maybe some of you have more good ideas for potential filters)


Focus for me is the only squad/groupe feed option to have a less cluttered version of the feed.
(To keep track if im alone in cap, because my friend died)


I do agree that players should have the choice, but I would like to say that kill feed is very important (especially for tanker or at enthusiasts). It allows you to find out if there is a tank and if so what it is. For example, you are playing western allies and see a 88 kwk 43(forgot about the exact number) then you know you are facing a tiger 2