Field Mechanic

The concept is similar to that of the rider or perhaps be within this unit, if implemented within the rider could use jeep, trucks or buses, lightly armed with machine guns, its specialization is to support tankers and engineers, since although they can not “build”, if they approach an engineer they will help him build faster, if he has perks in repair he will help tanks run faster, some of the concepts that come to mind are poor, but I seek to develop a class entirely dedicated to transporting soldiers to the front or supporting their team in the assault or defense

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-18 124518


so basically engineer with hammer that can only be used to repair vehicles and dont take backpack slot?

more or less,its like a engie with hammer/tool (sorry for coppy battlefield for the idea) who can help engies build faster and if its with tanks or similar fix them, even he could bring back “destroyed” scenario vehicles back


I’d prefer if they could just remove the wrecks of destroyed tanks.

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that could be interesting for engies and get their own resources back…

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