It would be fun to add a such modified FG42 to the game as a golden order weapon. And considering how impressive Gewehr 43 Kurz performs in the game, this weapon would be another powerful rifle that combines a high damage and controllable recoil(unlike the original FG42)
depends on what class it’s for
For tankers only
Standard FG also has very easygoing recoil
for assaulters
i would say gunners would make more sense and it could be a good excuse for lewis gun to be added
Last BP, we got special rifles (Moscow) this bp, we got special smgs. Next bp would it be interesting to have a lmg. That fg is too similar to the other ones, though, even if chambered in different rounds. I want truly bizarre/obscure weapons, or oldies like the lewis @Rickyd123 mentioned.
Lewis gun (last patch) It’s already on crsed f. O. A. D (cuisine royal). So I would expect it to come on enlisted one day.
47 or 97 pan magazine? If it’s only 47 pan then it’s nothing worthmentioning
47 or 97 it remains an antique. Big, unwieldy, clunky with a mediocre rate of fire. Exactly my type of weapon
We might see it in Tunisia.
As a question - just what is the historicity of the FG-42 in Kurz? Presumably only a small number made? Were they ever used or issued?
i don’t think they were ever made but i do need to look into it more
I’d prefer guns like the grossfuss sturmgewehr, MG 45, or MKb 42 (W) as gold guns
it would be an interesting possibility
Until Bomber class 2/ 3 comes out with later campaign levels being listed, I would like a golden order panzerschreck for Normandy.
In the video he stated that some of them were modified
As a special weapon, in not a huge fan of more fgs even if locked behind gold tickets.
And above all, I’m against gun modifications “spelled” as unique weapons.
G43 Kurtz is an example.
But as I said, it’s just my personal opinion.
No thanks, I want unique weapons as golden order weapons, not a version of what has already become the standard issue rifle in this game.