February Discounts

when squad slot sale


thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

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That was just my quota for the year used up :slight_smile:

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I’m reeeeaaaally happy of the answer you got. I aant apcs in all my presets. But also weird choices like mortars. And my starter premium riflemen squads, which are MENDATORY. Not counting my fighters planes…

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Speaking of mortars.

3rd mortar battalion

I would really love if this German Legacy mortar squad could have their paratrooper outfit in all campaigns. Because currently it is available only in Normandy campaign.

I think all its owners would be incredibly happy about that.


Why only for USSR? I still don’t get this logic. Is February are soviet month or what?

Steam version of the war thunder store doesn’t give you the same discount as the gaijin store. At least regarding of gold purchase.

I know. But even if you do have steam account, you can still use the gaijin website to buy stuff for this account. (=you can have the same discount)


Yeah i would. Thats the squad i use for that reason

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Seriously, why? What the damn reason? Just because?

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I replied about 3x and each post was deleted even though didn’t break any rules to the best of my knowledge.
Just Google " Public holidays in Russia" and read up the Wiki, there is convenient table there. It will answer your question.

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Was this only squads not that Su76 tank destroyer? Ah well nvm.

I don’t understand why they should hide the holidays because of which they made the event, if otherwise it looks like an incomprehensible spontaneous discount for no reason.

So this USSR discount is a modest but useful 30% discount for ALL NATIONAL PREMIUM UNITS of the USSR, I refer to this link:

The discount in that link given is described as:

“For February, we have prepared discounts for you on premium USSR squads!”
“Discounts are available from February 22nd to February 25th (13:00 UTC).”
“30% off Premium USSR squads in the Gaijin.Net store.”"

So this is a national premium unit discount pertains to ALL USSR national premium units on the ARMED FORCES DAY of the USSR.

Basically every major participant in Enlisted has an ARMED FORCES DAY, so this 30% discount national premium unit could and should be applied to every major participant in Enlisted, to keep everything just and proper.

Having such a yearly modest 30% discount for all national premium units of all major participants would lead to MORE sales in Enlisted, not less. So it would be a WIN for Enlisted, not a loss.


The date for this 30% USSR premium unit discount was chosen by the Enlisted developers to coincide with the real world “Day of the Red Army and the Navy” as it was called each year from 1923 to 1949, the date for this event during that time frame was February 23rd. Underneath a painting depicting this event in 1923.

The Enlisted USSR discount date was from February 22nd to February 25th, so about four days for something that was a one day event in reality. This discount event was, for obvious reasons, not named “Day of the Red Army and the Navy” in Enlisted in 2024.

It would be just and proper if Enlisted in 2024 would also have such national premium unit discounts for the other major participants in the 1939-1945 war.

I therefore propose for 2024 to introduce a similiar national premium unit discount period of four days to concide with the following real world events.

All major participants in Enlisted should have such a national premium unit discount event in Enlisted in 2024, to keep everything just and proper.

I propose to make this 30% national premium unit discount a YEARLY event for all the major participants in the 1939-1945 war. That way players will know EVERY YEAR when there is a premium national unit 30% discount for each nation. This will lead to more sales in Enlisted, not to less sales.

It would be rather distateful if only the USSR would have a four day 30% national unit premium discount event in Enlisted in 2024 and thereafter.


On Bastille Day, which is France’s national day, France honors its Armed Forces during the military parade of July 14th, which is the oldest and largest military parade in Europe. During WW2 Frenchmen fought for or alongside the troops of several nations:

  • For France itself until France was defeated in 1940 which was followed by the signing of the armistice on June 22nd 1940;
  • Frenchmen in the so-called Free French forces associated with General Charles de Gaulle which fought alongside the Anglo-American forces;
  • Frenchmen which fought alongside German forces;
  • Frenchmen which fought alongside USSR forces.

For the French premium units fighting for France and the Free French forces, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that a French premium unit discount over a four day period would be from July 13th to July 16th.

The Frenchmen which fought alongside German forces could be discounted in Enlisted alongside other German forces. The Frenchmen which fought alongside USSR forces could be discounted in Enlisted alongside other USSR forces.

Unites States of America

In the United States, “Armed Forces Day” is celebrated each year on the third Saturday in May. In 2024 that falls on May 19th. So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that a USA premium unit discount over a four day period would be from May 18th to May 21st.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland “Armed Forces Day” is celebrated on the last Saturday of June. In 2023 that falls on June 30th. So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that a UK/British premium unit discount over a four day period would be from June 29th to July 2nd.

Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand Anzac Day is celebrated on April 25th each year. So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that an Australian and New Zealand premium unit discount over a four day period would be from April 24th to April 27th.

Empire of Japan

The Empire of Japan is the state whose Armed Forces are represented in Enlisted. The Empire of Japan celebrated “Army Commemoration Day” every year on March 10th. The Empire of Japan also celebrated “Navy Commemoration Day” every year on March 24th. These two days were celebrated from 1906 until the end of World War II in 1945. So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that a Japanese premium unit discount over a four day period would be from March 9th to March 12th (Army Commemoration Day). Since that is no longer possible in 2024 the alternative period March 23rd to March 26th would still be possible and appropriate (Navy Commemoration Day).


In Italy the “Giorno delle Forze Armate” (English: “Armed Forces Day”) is celebrated on November 4th since 1919. So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that an Italian premium unit discount over a four day period would be from November 3rd to November 6th.


In Germany the “Tag der Wehrmacht” (English: “Defense Forces Day”) was celebrated every year on March 16th from 1936 to 1944 due to the Wehrmacht being officially established by law on March 16th 1935 as the successor to the Reichswehr (English: “Realm Defense”). The Wehrmacht in WW2 effectively consisted of four branches of military service: the Heer (English: “Army”), Luftwaffe (English: “Air Force”), Kriegsmarine (English: “Navy”) and Waffen SS ( (English: “Military SS”). These four military service branches were all equipped, paid and provided for as well as commanded by the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (abbreviated to OKW) (English: “Defense Force Supreme Command”) which was the name of the German Ministry of Defense during this time frame. The OKW was established in 1938, it essentially was the renamed Reichswehrministerium (English: “Realm Defense Ministry”).

So, following the Enlisted logic for the above mentioned discount, that means that a German premium unit discount over a four day period would be from March 15th to March 18th. This time frame is still possible in 2024, but time is short.

Note: It would not make sense nor be appropriate to have a German discount period in Enlisted based on the current Bundesrepublik Deutschland (English: “Federal Republic of Germany”) and the current Bundeswehr (English: “Federal Defense”) because these did not participate in WW2. The fact that the post-war Bundeswehr was built up around a cadre of Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine and Waffen SS veterans does not alter the fact that the Bundeswehr did not participate in WW2.