Can anyone from the dev team confirm or deny that we will be able to keep upgrading already owned weapons even if they are no longer available for purchase? Or if they will automatically upgrade to highest level? etc.
1.) Will we be able to upgrade the MP-717(r) post-merge? Yes or no
1a.) If not, will they auto max out or they will be stuck forever in whatever levels they had before removal?
1b.) If yes, will we have to max out the squad that comes with them BEFORE the merge in order to be able to upgrade them? Speaking about 24th Reconnaissance Battalion. Or they will be upgradable even without squad that comes with them having required upgrades?
Please dont cherry pick the questions and actually give answers, this silence and blackness you keep us in when it comes to merge and economy rework is beyond deafening.
If you have Stalingrad full access, and thus besides being able to buy MP-717 you benefit from the extra discouns, there is literally no sensible reason for you to wait and upgrade them post merge, when said discounts won’t be there anymore.
Since I’m assuming you play Stalingrad and use the MP-717(r), I gotta ask, is it worth the grind? I missed out on the Full Access Pass so I don’t have to grind the extra levels and I since the merge is apparently removing them, I’m wondering if I should try grabbing some before it happens, If it makes a difference, I have premium and already have four MP-41(r) from the previous event.
It’s just classic ppsh. Until its removal was announced, I didn’t even used single mp717 and still prefer mkb on foot soldier and mp40 on tankers.
After its Exclusivity was announced, I did buy like 70+ of them. Equipped every tank crew and every single assaulter & medic with them.
Classic FOMO behavior.
I still prefer Mkb and and its sniper variant over ppsh. Way better weapons for my playstyle and with way better feeling.
Btw. MP-41 (r) is way more enjoyable smg than mp717.
And I personally would not bother to grind whole campaign only for them. If you do enjoy the maps, than yes. But without full access, it’s very frustrating experience.
I grinded Suffergrad solely for the MP-717(r). Is it good? Yeah. Is it better or worse than StG-family weapons? Not really, its different. After the merge, it will be the only high capacity, high ROF weapon Germans will have and for that reason i wanted it. Plus if some unit can only use SMG´s and not Assault Rifles, its hands down best option you will have.
But if you want to get it, be prepared for pain. It took me week with premium account and premium Suomi squad and i am above average player, i dare to say even very good with me basically every match being in top three. And i was still pissed at how poorly the maps are made, how i am forced to grind empty levels, how stupidly broken KV´s are and how bad my teams are. I made it because i am stubborn fuck but if i am to be honest, i should have done something more productive with my life instead of playing Enlisted. But hey thats just playing PC games in general.
Inb4 someone barges in screaming “HOW ABOUT THE MACHINEGUNS!!!”, first i obviously meant SMG´s and second, MG´s really arent made for house clearing and aggresive gameplay. They will do it in the pitch, but PPSH is just something different when it comes to just emptying buildings.
Especially the tommies, simply because they won’t be available for Soviets anymore after the conversion. Always nice to have, not a bad smg at all. (could be very handy if it’s battle rating is very different than the ppsh’s).
Could also get Bredas for the same reason but… Breda… Madsen… I don’t think they’re really better…