Hey guys, just wanted to post this one for the suggestions too… I hope that there is content planned for Stalingrad next update beyond a single campaign level ? I have noticed that a growing number of people who bought into the campaign have enjoyed it for the fast progression. I admit, I was skeptical at first but I ended up buying it and now can enjoy two fully unlocked factions without worrying about the grind it is quite refreshing!
Personally, Stalingrad would be even cooler if…
- Hungarian Squads for the Axis and Partisan squads for the Allies
- New maps - City of Stalingrad appreciation post (amazing post thank you @Veekay45
- Winter and night time!
- make this the campaign of the KV tank family, it feels unique and a legendary tank design
… I admit I know less of German tanks, but would support the same idea for them. Some sort of German armor/IFV unique to this campaign.
Just a few ideas, also want to include @Scav_Sergei perhaps you have good suggestions?
Problem is things need to be able to realistically kill them. and no, pixel-hunting a tank that can lolpen you is not realistically being able to kill them.
I agree! I actually plan on watching a Youtube video of a Russian guy touring the Battle of Stalingrad museum later today to update this post with some ideas. I want to find German vehicles in it to be fair to the player base and suggest them here
. Even if it isn’t big and heavy like a fortress, perhaps a maneuverable IFV with a variety of weapons? Maybe the German IFV comes with an engineer for “drive by” rally points, while the next USSR unlock is a KV family member? I play both and would consider that fair but asymmetric 
I posted a thread about the Stalingrad campaign myself before Ideas to save the Stalingrad Campaign
Stalingrad has been left in the dark for a couple of major updates already and still the map selection is the biggest problem I had with this campaign with the lack of winter maps which is baffling as a Red Orchestra 2 veteran as those add flavor to Stalingrad to feel that its Stalingrad campaign.
We have yet to see Pavlov’s House, Grain Elevator, Mamayev Kurgan, Red October Factory, Gumrak Station and other iconic locations for Stalingrad.
I just wanted to say that I’m glad with the Pacific they went with the tried and true method of making everything free and releasing a few Premium Squads every once in a while
I need the KV2. I don’t care if it’s ineffective in game, I want it.
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Or Moscow gangbang. I cant do much dmg there anyway.
And (probably temporarily) took the method of making every tank actually killable by starter “tanks” and AT rifles
The Berlin and Stalingrad horseshit of “I’m high level so that justifies me being unkillable” needed to end
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I don’t think partisans would fit with the campaign theme. They’re guerillas, not frontline soldiers. Agree on hungarians and I would also add italians.
New maps are totally necessary, as I’ve said once before - all that was in RO2 plus additions would do.
Winter combat - yes. Night combat - no, it would be too dark. By the time of urban fighting in Stalingrad most of the things that could burn and illuminate the surroundings were already burned. Also I would add normal uniform for snipers, not just winter camouflage suits.
Speaking of KVs -we need effective KV destroyers as well. Not every german player has Ju-87D in the setup, and tanks before Pz IVF2 are not very good at fighting KVs. Maybe KVs should be switched with T-34s in the research line. We definitely need AT grenades, like PWM, RPG-40, or magnetic mines.
Panzer III N can also pen KV
Do you mean Pz IIIN? IIIN has better chances with HEAT shell than original J model, but other than that it’s still pretty bad.
Maybe adding PzIII with long 50mm cannon would make situation better - Pz.III J1 (featured in photos), Pz.IIIL.
Yes N.
Still HEAT does more dmg than other shells. F2 is pure sniping.
Stalingrad could also get more of the industrial complex, maybe an iconic map including the grain elevator… (Red orchestra 2 flashbacks)
Also stalingrad does not have iconic pilotkas (such hats as in the berlin campaign) which i would really like to use
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The season, man, pilotka is too light for late autumn. I just went out in the street wearing a classic cap with no ear cover and the wind was terrible.
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But recources were limited. You can see a lot of soldiers in stalingrad with pilotkas because they needed uniforms faster
Aren’t the spec ops squads already mentioned as guerrilla warfare specialists though? They would fulfill a similar role that the SAS or other groups were orchestrating in the west . Doesn’t need to be partisans per se, I just think it would be cool to also a have a spec ops squad equivalent like the British and Germans get in game 
As far as I know, if a squad was deployed behind the lines with the order to become a foundation core for partisan group (like Dmitry Medvedev’s Pobediteli), they remained there until major soviet assault. And those who did frontline reconaissance were too valuable to be deployed in the front trenches, tasked mostly with capturing prisoners and providing targets for artillery fire.
The closest thing you may get to soviet frontline recons of WWII would be taking a Moscow/Stalingrad sniper look for winter, Berlin assault/AT look for summer, and giving them proper armament: one optional machine gun for covering fire, one optional sniper rifle, one radio, all others are armed with ordinary unsuppressed SMGs -PPSh, MP40, PPS (no PPD-Bramit, that one never made it past the testing ground), some people would be armed only with knives and pistols - that would be the capture party tasked with disabling and dragging away enemy soldier who could provide valuable information. I don’t think the game needs such kind of squad, since we already got a lot of free soldiers wearing camo suits and well-fit in the balance scheme.
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Went through quick google search, all the soviet soldiers during the urban warfare stage of Stalingrad battle I’ve seen in the photos wear either ushankas or SSh-40s. One guy was wearing a budenovka.
I did not notice pilotka wasn’t in the customization option for Stalingrad since I gave all my Soviet soldiers in Berlin helmets instead of pilotkas. Ended up giving ushankas to all my soldiers in Stalingrad.
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