Factions rework

Remove all British troops from USA tree and All Italian Troops from German tree allow Germans and Italian faction to sometimes be paired together and British and Americans sometimes paired together but having their own faction lines and troops/vehicles


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I agree! I just made a similar post about this type of situation.

They should first and/or add back British and Italian troops and soldiers (currently unable to purchase new ones or enlisted new soldiers.). Whenever the new soldiers are added to the game (added back) they should also come with their own tech tree and squad systems.

There is no reason for someone who wants to have a specific nations vehicle or weapon and forcing a player to grind for other nations equipment first before they can have their favorite national items/weapons/equipment.

I agree with this post. :+1:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:.

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This is correct! As is well known, there were eight major participating countries in World War II: five Allied powers and three Axis powers, each with their own course.

In some battles, they can be matched together, such as the German Italian coalition in the North African battlefield, the British French American coalition in the Normandy campaign, and the British American Chinese coalition in the Yunnan Burma battlefield, which is the optimal solution for the game.

I don’t think we need separate tech trees for this.
All that I would be satisfied with is a way to get specific British/Italian-speaking soldiers.

Splitting Western Allies and European Axis into more factions is terrible idea.

You can check out my arguments in previous posts on this topic, I’m too lazy to constantly repeat myself.


They don’t have enough for their own tech tree from BR I to BR V.

The dev should continue to add British and Italian squads into the USA and Germany faction respectively until those sub-factions have enough for their own tech tree. When the new sub-faction tech tree is created the British and Italian squads should be removed from the larger faction tech tree and the people who unlocked the sub-faction squads get to keep their unlocked status for the new tech tree.

War Thunder did this for the Italian aircrafts in the Germany air tech tree before Italy was introduced as a nation with ground and air tech tree.

Thank you. Seems like someone round here doesn’t have a basic sense of humor

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I joke all the time, sometimes too much, of course, as years go by more and more people are easily offended by humor. :blush:

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No, not enough players for this. I would rather follow @Adamnpee advice and rename USA to western allies and Germany to something like Wester Axis(Do not know the exact name but you get the idea.). Then, the addition of options to purchase British and Italian soldiers should be added. That will solve 90% of the problem especially in my opinion.

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What did you say??? I miss the old times when we can read flagged content by jumping through one easy hoop(at least it was what I remembered as the case).

Preach my guy

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I dont think they did really fight side by side conventionally… maybee some voluntereers but those would not come with anything more than small arms like shermans/pershing.
or if just fighting the same enemy counts then you might aswell put germany and the soviet union on the same side as they did fight together vs poland at one point.

They absolutely did! Have you ever heard of the Burma Campaign?

Burma campaign - Wikipedia

But did those forced really intermingle with each othere on the battlefield or did both just do their own fighting in seperate units that happens to be against the same foe?
Would the typical batlefield feature both british and chinese soldiers fighting allongside each othere?
If yes than this might be an absolute nightmare to command when they cant even communicate with another and are drilled diffrently.
I might be wrong but I would assume that most of the time it would be purely a british or a pure chinese force present in the fighting and rarely both then again I am no expert of that campain so feel free to correct me.

Battle of Yenangyaung - Wikipedia
Siege of Myitkyina - Wikipedia

They fought side by side. It was a literal Avengers-type lineup in Burma. There were Indians, British, Rhodesians, Nigerians, Americans, Chinese, Kenyans, Ugandans, Malawians, Gurhkas, Nepalis, Gambians, and Burmese. This campaign also produced and cemented legendary leaders such as Sun Li-jen, Frank Merril, and William Slim.

Sadly, this campaign gets overlooked a lot, even though it produced some of the most interesting characters in all of the war.

It was terrible in the early war since their main goal was to halt the Japanese onslaught, which was unsuccessful, and General Stilwell left them in Burma. However, when the Chinese soldiers crossed into India, they received proper training and equipment from the Americans. Once trained and equipped, they took part in clearing Ledo Road and taking Burma back.