F the allied pacific campaign

This is the last damn campaign i need to finish to complete the game and right now i rather be F’ed by a sandpaper dildo. The players on the allied side are HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE!!! and i know they are real players, because i see HT’s being spawned, fighters being flown. But out of 10 games, maybe 1 has a good team. All the rest SUCK!!! no rallies, no defending, no nothing. Im ready to throw my computer out the window


as i’m someone who also needs to complete the pacific allies in order to get the bazooka ( roughly i’m missing 7 levels to reach it ) i wish i could say that i can feel your pain.

but i’m not sure i feel anything anymore after just a few matches.

( also funny because i lost 50 rank points because of it )

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Just spam WP nades, you will be fine :ok_hand:


M1 or M9? Is not more easy get it in normandy?

are you nuts?

like hell i’m gonna grind british equipment and roughly 18 levels

when i only need to grind 8 of them in pacific.

i already told you that the pacific is the better USA in terms of infantry weapon compared to the normandy and tunisia one.

I have to agree US player in pacific are bad, i today ended to grind what i want from the pacific japanese, and i have to say american resistence i encountered was only m13 spam

No i played us normandy 1 year and half ago, it seems you not even touched it in 2y

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because i don’t like all the british equipment as fill gap for an USA (s)campaign ( with no british squads to use )

therefore, i grinded tunisia instead.

and the pacific.

it’s somewhat paying off.

And? You still have suffer now, spoiler m1 bazooka is worst than the piat you need the m9 for do something aganaist all non japanese tank

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it ain’t.

but the reason why i’m unlocking it now, it’s because it’s cheaper than the normandy one and i suspect after the big update prices will increase so.

it’s definitely cheaper now to get.

which eventually, i’ll be able to unlock the M9 bazooka with the huge update.

don’t work hard. work smartly :wink:

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Makes me wish I rode the US wave when the campaign first came out instead of playing Japan the entire time lmao

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I have the same experience. What help is when I used the chat. I don’t even have to be friendly, I just give callout when I couldn’t mark directly and people respond to that. For example I would say “rally near the purple marker” and people will usually go there to try to take it out and build multiple rallies afterward.

I think people play that campaign thinking that they will lose so they don’t even try. I’ve been winning as Pacific allied back to back (still < 50%) with new players as teammate, however it doesn’t work every time.


Rant, closed.