Extreme German Bias on the Forum Devs

berlin early game soviet advantage but late game german stomps with better weps. soviets has better tanks though i agreed

anyway the merge needs to happen sooner, i actually main Axis btw, but its boring as hell when i win games constantly its not a challenge no more

berlin axis used to be challenging when u defend hitler and from invading forces, now win almost every game no challenge

this is why i dont play game, cuz im max already waiting for update

Tunisia is not bad, but its weird that Italians gets no helmets, its like fantasy

Late game soviets have PPsh41 (superior smg at CC), Fedorov, As-44 (p2w), AVT-40 at mid range. While Axis only have FG42 II and MP43/1. Only with gold order weapons they become more competitive but 3x Fedorov assaulter squads + AS-44 squad will win any time against just single squad with gold axis weapons like 4x Conders 2x K43K


… and?

i don’t really see a connection with it between you ranting over a faction to another.

each faction has it’s unique strong points and downside.

but claiming " extreme german bias " it’s just ironic.

given your threads and current levels

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plz marry me

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STG44s and mp43 still triumphs all, Fedorov issue is low ammo count and only 20. its gone very fast. AVT-40 isnt that great honestly, FG42 II is way better. PPSH 41, long range its not good at all, berlin maps most are long range battles, very rarely its close range. ppsh is completely useless when you stomp on bridges at start, ull just get sniped to death and tanks.

Soviet did have some nice gold weps too, but yeah US ones sucks

Open top tankettes are extremely powerfull even early level m8 scott.
They would shine in bigger maps like pacific and tunisia.
Biggest problem of normandy is maps not vehicles.
Skill issue
Stop whining and git gud

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You never played allies have u? Commander literally get sniped constantly

how is it skill issue? how do u counter it? u cant

ur commander dead, then ur crew auto rotate to commander, get sniped again, now ur vehicle is useless because most crew is dead

1 molotov ur whole crew dead. and sight issue. tell me how u see anything in this thing

Does way more dmg and is way more accurate for pretty much same recoil so I dont know what you want.

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How about not popping up your commanders head always and use gunner vision when you approaching ?
I always switch vision between gunner and commander and actually it works.
I even manage to destroy 3 murican m8 scott with ka mi , a paper tiger that floats on water.
Molotovs kill crew, oh how suprising !
Well, if you are riding your armored vehicle directly into your enemy there is a big problem about your tank play.
Tanks are not mounted knights that charge enemy infantry for christ sake ! they suppose to provide firepower from DISTANCE !


Maybe stop making comments if you dont even own the tank?

Your Commander gets sniped constantly, hes constantly exposed, you cannot defend or stop it from happening, when you go into Gunner view, hes still exposed.

You need example ?
This is how light armored vehicles suppose to be used


Their default position is duck down know its changed. When you switch to gunner commander instantly ducks .
Problem is you not vehicles
So git gud

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Tank view has been changed since then, the Quadro and the one i linked to you, both had view like that, now your stuck with this, in this view, where you can’t see shit

and Fubar was fighting vs Low Level Vehicles. Try that vs a Tiger and a Panther, its suicide

I both played panther g and tiger i both in berlin and normandy, one in open maps other is dense urban maps so i have very clear idea about big tanks and played wiyh m8 scott and m10. If your team doesnt hold flanks and enemy has air dominance you can say good by to your tank 5 minutes after spawn ( average)
In any open map i would prefer any us tankette to german obese cats.

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Switch to gunner position ffs sake. Have u ever used gunner optics ?


u still get sniped, ur commander is exposed at all times, like warthunder. i cant show it in third person, but u still get sniped constantly, ur commander doesnt duck or anything , he stay in this position forever