If you are on PC, and have nothing constructive to help the conversation, please just move along.
I am 100% AGAINST bringing M&K support to console, and that topic has been brought up several times recently. It does NOT pertain to this conversation, so PLEASE don’t bring it up here. This conversation is for those that CONTOLLERS/ GAMEPADS.
As someone that plays on console, I can say that there are definitely more controls for the game than buttons on the controllers.
While there are options to “hold”, “double press”, etc. of buttons, this leads to a lot of issues of control hierarchies that then present issues.
Allow for combinations of buttons.
For example:
LB + D-pad Direction
This alone could allow for a lot more button combinations that COULD prevent some of the issues.
Go through and make some pre-made options that can be selected by players rather than just “default”.
Ones that have been TESTED and proven to work effectively.
This will help both new players and old players alike, and hopefully solve a lot of frustrations along the way!