Extending the current Battle Pass season



This gif should have really come with the BP delay annoucement

BP delay basically means ill be rushed since as usual it was left to the last and feature no new content beyond 4guns;

I just dont get why developers keep telling players how they continually suck at keeping deadlines :thinking:

it would be cool to have physic on all objects.
similar to how on CRSED the fridges of loot has. ( or HLF2 crates, barrels, bottles and many props )

essentially, long story short, those stationary fridgeds can be pushed aside. and reacts to explosions.
but… that would make the game heavily unstable perhaps… so i’m not sure if that’s ever gonna happen.

would be cool though.


Suddenly an artillery barrage hits and my FoB turns into a fallout 3 interior when a mine goes off. Cans and chairs and boxes blasting around everywhere. Would be sick as fuck bro maybe if we ever get an engine upgrade or crossover to a new one. More physics and destruction is never bad for immersion

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well i can finnaly end this battle pass and get a free vehicle order :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thank you


Aight who’s paying me 5 bucks for CALLING IT? Lol

WhO cOuLd HaVe SeEn ThIs CoMinG. . . .

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true dude

One can dream, one can dream :dotted_line_face::dotted_line_face::dotted_line_face::face_in_clouds:

I don’t think cosmetics are high priority anyways despite anything they add… which is sad cause I do quite enjoy spending time customizing what I can. I also like some of the unique looks of the premium squads.

They could literally add a fourth gold order for special items such as the removed headgear or make buyable with gold. Cash cow. Nah we can’t have that though. One of millions of simple solutions to the issues. In part you know what I really think is why?

Players and their varying issues. People who are the demographic of this game are usually the type to complain about spending a ton for vaguely unique looks. They complain about games focusing on how they look instead of how they play. We don’t like Fortnite like microtransactions. What is the result?

A half assed version of everything trying to cater to everything and nothing at once. Mediocre BP rewards outside of weapons. No real new profile pics or ways to earn them etc etc. couple this with what DarkFlow has been up to wherever whenever and you get our current state.

See that American hans? Shoot him then you can have your grass clippers.

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I have seen a ton of people say They want battlefield level physics where you can level an entire building on a whole enemy team and kill all 10 squads (depending on if they’re all in the same location). Might be a bit much but they could work on some more destruction physics, especially if it means destroying more with tank and arty shells/rockets.

MG-08/15 when???



@James_Grove how many times have you guys extended the battlepass? this stopped looking like a friendly gesture and more like an inability to meet deadlines


MG42 With a 250-round belt and a firing rate of 1800

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Delay is just as expected. Sadly we don’t even have a tease of a single new gun.


MG 18 when:
Ribeyrolles 1918 (BR5 AR equivalent of Fedorov for the Axis) when
or Italian Cei-Rigotti with 30 round magazine as new AR at BR5

Hellregiel when:

Hyde M1944 (BR5 AR for the USA):

Or Huot Automatic Rifle (BR5 AR for the USA):



On slime

This one fires intermediate cartridge don’t think it will be a good counter to federov seeing that fires 6.5 mm arisaka maybe MKB-42(G) would be better 20 round and fires 8mm mauser


Haha Cartalige :laughing:

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