My reaction to this news:
LOL I’m surprised ppl get so mad over nothing.
So the next battlepass season was delayed by one week.
It has happened before, and it will happen again.
One more week of playing without new battlepass is insurmountable?
Ppl get so mad like they lost all their game progress or something
Relax, my comrades in arms.
one of the reasons given for switching was so that they wouldnt have to extend it because it would be all planned out for the year
because unlike you, people remember.
dunno how can you even justify top comment.
but you do you “king”.
those shoes better taste good.
What’s so angry about? The developers are stuffing so much unique content into the event, and the rest period between them is less than a week, usually 1-2 days, sometimes they launch it right after the end of the previous event. Honestly, I’m sick of it. And the next event was supposed to launch on February 25th, and thank God it will be a day later.
well ugh.
for starter, they say said that the bp was supposed to get no delays, yet here we are.
and the bp it self was rather a fiasco compared to what we had.
they just shrinked the bp for 6 rewards compared to the 12 of OG bp.
so on top of not being able to get past br rewards, you’re somewhat relegated to pure fomo.
oh, and gold order skins that are no longer vehicles. effectively removing the ability to customize them like gold orders used to be able to be customized:
so… you tell me.
but i can tell you, there are quite many reasons, actually.
I don’t remember them writing like that. If so, this is another addition to the list of false promises from Darkflow. After, of course, the complete exclusivity of Stalingrad items and historical setups for custom battles.
Oh yeah, and also assault engineers for ALL NATIONS
oh they ( sort of ) did.
which logically, the new bp have less content, yet we keep getting delays.
so, broken promises or not. it’s kinda dumb.
considering that, skins are taken from the war thunder live.
( = no effort )
guns = ?
it’s an incognita, but it is believed a couple of weeks / a single month top.
rest, is pretty much a copy and paste of silvers, appearance orders, weapon, squads and vehicle upgrades. etc.
so yeah, you’re telling me, they can’t put and respect simple dead lines?
man, if i was this " effective " at my job, i’d be fired on the spot ( rightfully so ).
but i suppose common sense and rules don’t apply to most people these days.
i’ll have to digress.
real point of the new Battle pass format was to minimize the amount of work necessary for content while maximising the amount of content players get which in it self is really good, but they should have realised by now that we want to keep the Battle Pass shop no matter what.
As for why we are angry with this:
- we didnt ask for this change and support for it is weak.
- extending multiple session reduces the amount of content we will see in a year.
- previous rewards were generally bad.
One month battlepass means that you need to bleed your eyes to get to marshal. I am actually happy that we cant rely on the “devs hopes” or abilities.
I think its the fact they blatantly lied, not the extra time itself that gets people mad.
The hole system changed with the idea that it would be better for us, eventhough nobody wanted the new system.
So, the 10 days themselves are not really the issue
Got a good chuckle out of me, didn’t expect that at all
@Ocean657 Another dude with anime pfp, welcome to the army Tomoko!
Don’t forget to use an uneccesary amount of gifs of her.
Thank you! I am honored!
I have a question, and I don’t know if it has been answered yet: what will happen to those who do not spend their gold troop orders, once the time has elapsed? Can they be exchanged for silver or will they be completely lost?
I am pretty sure they mentionned that any unspent GO will just disapear
bloody weebs…
Sh1t! I haven’t renewed my premium account or my battle pass because I don’t have time to play like before, so I’ll lose the 11 gold orders I have left for troops. How unfair, because I’ve spent money on this game…
Thanks for answer.
You can (and should) use them all now! You still have 4 days…
Note: you do not need either BP, nor premium, to use the gold order shop.
It’s a wonderful feature unanimously loved by the community (exception some simps) that will be removed for no good reason or benefits…
Ok, I’ll have to look into it. Thanks, and yes, I agree with you.