Extending Current Season and Clearing Excess Items from the Battle Pass Shop

Oh,no. If you want to remove them forever, please give us a discount to buy all those lovely things.


I completely agree with this, but that’s not what they presented us…

It’s better to ask stupid questions in this case, I think. I really don’t know what to except anymore.

I really want to be sure they at least know what they’re doing.


Even for squad limit is stupid since people like us own 10x Assaulter squads per most tier.

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They literally showed us the data sheet according to which Tanker III (BR8) was able to equip in the best case scenario only PZ IV F2 (BR6 vehicle).

How is possible they simply didn’t see this mistake? They simply released something so unpolished and broken without any reasonings.

And excuses like “it’s work in progress” and “it’s subject to changes” really aren’t justifiable when they are trying to do something so complex.

It’s really so sad to see.
I really would to know proper reason why they are removing those golden order vehicles. It’s always so vague, random and insincere.

Instead we are getting some irrelevant Q&A from YouTuber’s discord server. With first question about some modern era conflicta
What a relevant stuff for current state of game…

They are literally unable to show us proper, meaningfull and logical tech tree 2 weeks before it should be implemented to the game… How is that even acceptable for anyone?

I think this whole new meta update should be postponed at least for one another BP season. But I really doubt they have another content that could have been released before the merge. So they’re kinda screwed up, nice.


i just hope they will add new levels for all campaigns

There wont be campaigns

Some news is better than no news at all…

Yet I expected these upcoming news about BP shop to give us some insight about how the shop will work in the new system.

Instead, we got a list of things that are being removed, and no info at all about the future shop.

Quite anticlimactic.


not even a hint of the upcoming bp stuff? :confused:

oh well.


Right now the merge is more imporant and more time consuming. I doubt that they won’t get the next bp ready while working on the merge, darkflow is a small studio.

This bring more obfuscation instead of putting thing in a more streamlined form, and it seemed that they don’t need any help in doing so. Just look at the new ui.

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They are literally unable to show us proper, meaningfull and logical tech tree 2 weeks before it should be implemented to the game… How is that even acceptable for anyone?

They never presented anything with actuall proper date which leads to conclude they are terrible devs that can’t even work as devs should. No deadlines are presented to the community. Never, only soon, next major update, we work tirelessly etc etc///


Woa woa there.

I’m usually very very heavy with criticism, when there is to make, everyone here knows.

But Fox literally said, in this very post, that they delay the next bp exactly to work on the war thunder conversion to make it better…

So what do you prefer? That they take their time to do it right like Fox just said (and a conversion this important MUST be done correctly). Or that they quickly released half assed things because a few ppl are impatient and want news right now?

I can wait. I farm more cards while they do a (hopefully) proper br tech line.


each of them only costs one gold order, so I don’t think they can provide any discount

They can. They did offer a 50% discount on EVERY gold order weapons available once…

I remember that day… that I bought all of them…



As I said…

Do you really think two weaks are more than enough? For previous past 2 months we had only events based on the same concept.
They had literally 2 months to create meaningful tech tree for every nation.
But you know very well what they showed us.


Well, I don’t really mind if there’s no new content just yet, before the war thunder conversion. All I want is a balanced tech TREE, compressed bolt actions in first 2-3 tiers, no biased things like pps42 at tier 2, and revised br for pistols, classes and items…

But I do hope a lot.


We are on the same boat, but I just don’t trust them anymore…


I get the feeling merge is still a good month or 2 away. (Regardless of all the indicators)

That BR spreadsheet made me think its still a ways off.

Gonna hibernate a bit till then. Wake me if dicker max goes on sale :stuck_out_tongue:


Do we even know that they’re going for BR? Could just be a tier spread, and we know the tiers already.

You know removing Gold Vehicles could be a good excuse to reevaluate the system and consider overhauling it for the future

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