then we agree, but to give the possibility to survive, adding trenches or buildings as secure places to hide could give infantry an extra survivability.
For example, in that video, if the guy run thru the trenches and when listen a plane, just crouch he could save him (not bots because are stupid and never go into trenches…)
but agree with the point you say. Only 1 bomber and 1 fighter per team at the same time.
there is already a huge community vocal demand for some cas nerf, multiple threads exist expressing ideas about it.
i have a irl friend, that trully enjoyed the game and played it countless hours, uninstalled it simply because of constant bombing runs after few seconds of spawn. his words.
I stopped playing Normandy for the same reason. The CAS issue is especially prevalent there, with the Ju-188 and the A-20. And before someone started “StOp BiTcHiNg CaUsE yOu OnLy PlAy InFaNtRy”, i play everything and when i needed a frist place for a daily or something i just take my Ju-188 and my Bf-110 squads in normandy and get my first place easily
same here i had like 5 friends who simply walked away
thats how i did the tank event slaughtered all the pumas in like 1 round
then 1 round to kill 70 infantry with tank
i had like 16 kills and i only needed 15 to complete the event but i ran out of ammo and just ditched the tank after that left it parked like my personal taxi
10 to 15km, I don’t see how this is possible except in the Berlin countryside where planes are faster.
The average 3km flight is 25 to 30sc, so 50 to 60sc there and back.
I don’t see how this is possible where the average 3km flight is 25-30sc and back, so it’s 50-60sc each way. I don’t see a sapper waiting 10 minutes for a plane to pass!
a second hunter for what? already with one, you have to insult him to make him want to take care of the planes, because he prefers to bomb or drop those rockets on the bots, so it won’t change anything, there will always be as many bombs or rockets that will hit the bots.
the goal is to reduce the abuse in aeroplane spawn, not increase it, especially since sometimes the game bugs, we lose or we don’t have control of the plane, I often have it good on the other hand, contrary to the kamikazes when I don’t have control of my plane, I crash before ^^ I can’t even reach the objectives to drop the rockets or my bombs depending on the plane, so if you lengthen the flight time, there will be even more bugs ^^.
moreover if you lengthen the time of flight, how a hunter will be able to counter a fighter or hunter, knowing that a fighter has much ammunition than a hunter!
the hunter will have to spend his life out of combat in the end.
if you add flight time for planes, it means that those who would like to play their planes will be penalized because they won’t even be sure they can play their unit.
It is necessary to keep the current system, but with a single spawn of plane if the plane is destroyed it will not be able to take it again. of one that avoids the spam, that will make less bombardment. And it won’t penalize other players who would like to play the planes.
I don’t see why 50-60 sec to reach the target is a problem since a ground attack carries enough charge for 40-60kills +, and what people say about putting AA all over the map to prevent bombardments would be useless to me. It seems that you cannot see the plane until it is about 2-5 seconds before attacking totally insufficient time to shoot it down
The second fighter is precisely so that more people can play their planes, and the flight time is totally irrelevant since there are people who choose a plane and do not die in the whole game leaving others without being able to play with their planes especially the fighters
I do not see sense that there is a role of fighter if they do not fulfill the function of defending their team from the bombers
I’m just saying if you want a third plane in a game go play war thunder, world of airplanes or other games. How is a third one going to change the situation? it will just mean more bombs or rockets on the bots. between this post that suggests an extra plane, the other post that wants an AA vehicle but GO TO WAR THUNDER
you say you play on normandy, i don’t understand how you can submit this idea of a third plane, it’s the campaign where there is the most plane spam and kamikaze!!! i played a game earlier, half of my game, i was knocked out by allied kamikazes!!! it was so much fun to get stupidly killed with my assaults just because those damn planes ruined my game, so a third one, i’m risking to ragekit my party often
on the berlin campaign it’s more pleasant, the hunters don’t have bombs or rockets except for the first ones of each nation, but they don’t have an impact on the bots at all, certainly they make kills but it’s not what’s going to win a game.
I’ve lost invasions before because there were so few tickets left, we had 2 tanks, 2 planes, so 4 players not pushing and not going to capture the base! So a 5th player in a vehicle will penalize the team even more.
I also play aircraft, hunters or bombers, no worries, I have nothing against aircraft. However, it’s a balance that needs to be found, not an addition or a nerf, we’re talking about balancing a situation that drifts too much.
Maybe I start with engineers to place spawns and then change to other infantry squads, and when I want to use my plane, all are used because some players are doing suicide…
for me it would be better to limit it to 1 bomber and 1 fighter per team at the same time. when 1 bomber is down, a player can use his bomber.
but I always suggest:
-Make trenches, buildings and bunkers a secure place where you can survive bombing runs.
-Reduce planes armor.
-Fix AA.
-Give more points for plane kill.
-Increase the planes sound, so all players can listen a plane is comming.
so bombing runs will be deadly, but players have the possibility to hide when listen a plane approaching, and a lot more players will take their fighters because destroy a bomber (easy dogfight) give him A LOT of points
this is the important thing. What do you think of it?
and if bombers spawn far and not looking at the battlefield? Now the problem is bombers appears just in front of the battlefield and their first bombing run is secure, so let’s change it they have to travel a bit so fighters can shoot down them before they do their first bombing run?
This one is definitely a much since rn you can die from bombers even inside houses from time to time (this is the case also with arty for some weird reason)
Also this needs to be addressed since planes are way to survivable ( you can empty your whole MG/Cannon load to an enemy and still fly)
Not sure about this since it will make AA stronger against infantry as well
Could be a bit useful
Well in some maps in Berlin where the refill points etc are like 4+km for the battlefield, bombing spam from the same plane is reduced. But the issue is still that you can have a CAS plane all time in the battle since one player suicide bombs, then another one spawns etc.I dont see any other solution to the later other than somehow restricting Bombers by some type of timer etc.
Finally planes like the Ju-188, A-20 and P47 needs a straight nerf to their bomb-loads, they are way to powerful