Event store

currently game has lots of event squads/weapons/vehicles that new and old players just cant get if they missed particular event that rewarded them.

why not put all previous and future event squads/weapons/vehicles in “event store” and make any future events with generic tickets that can redeem any squads/weapons/vehicles? i know that lots of people would appreciate way to earn some interesting event prizes that they have missed.


but how would you earn the ticket, they would have to be harder to get than gold orders, and earning a ticket in the current event would mean being able to buy an old item and loosing the current, so while it would be nice to get old items you would still be behind
example you miss three events you are three items behind, you can choose which three items you don’t have but you would not catch up

well they could always give extra tickets in events for extra weapons or squads, but just having option to choose what you want is big step forward.


choice maybe but extra tickets no
why because you disrespect the long-term players
also you dilute the value of everything in the game
so first you would have to give an extra rewards to participants of past events
further diluting value
geijin will never do something that loose them money

you can always use those tickets to buy extra weapons that you liked before.

i am long term player and i really dont mind if new player gets extra tickets so he can catch up.

you know that there is no value to the game that can stop operating tomorrow?

they could always sell extra tickets for $$$.


you do know what inflation deflation and scarcity are,
if they give people more currency to buy things either the price of the item will go up or the value of the item will go down

even with digital items if everyone has them than you need better items for people to buy so you get power creep, which to a limited degree is already happening.

and i am happy you don’t mind new players having old toys but if you don’t give me new toys it means i had to work harder to get less

items have value because you had to unlock or an earn them if everyone has something it has no value, like air

you need to learn that it already has no value. something you dont own cant have value. if gaijin decided to shut down enlisted tomorrow you would lose everything and there is nothing you could do no matter how much “value” you attributed to something.

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than the game has no value, all value is arbitrary a gold bar is worth nothing if you are lost in the desert, value is attributed by what it takes to gain it and or what you can do with it, so while i am playing the game a weapon i have has value because i have it and others do not giving it scarcity.

so a lower-case v value it is not an upper case V i cannot sell it like a stupid NFT no but it does have value not eternal but ephemeral.

Good idea :+1:

New players should also have access to Vickers / Horn StG / Flakpanzer / combat engineers / many others.


i think they would give that back

I like the idea of giving players the ability to gain old event squads and weapons, etc. I’ve suggested it before as well

One thing that was mentioned in the past is some players feel that they earned it during the event, they should have that exclusivity. The way around this in my mind is to limit event gear to those that were released over 1 year ago … giving you 1 year of exclusivity if you don’t do the event. This way the current event would be “limited time” during the event in the shop, but after a year it would come back as a legacy event to the shop.

If an event gives 2 squads, you will need a way to get a 3rd … you could do this a number of ways:

Buying with gold
Buying with silver
Buying with tickets (Earned by adding to an existing event, adding to the BP, adding to a concurrent event, etc)
and I’m sure we could think of more if we spend some time brainstorming.

Now, here is the fun part … we know a system to get old event stuff is likely coming:


Therefore, it’s not a matter of if but how.


they are already reusing twitch drops the American Revolver and Japanese Pistol are examples

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Some ideas I already suggested:

Adding new squads like British or Italian medic squads to the store so veteran can get something interesting too.


hmm interesting maybe the empty stage can have like squad order for old squad event or something similar i guess


I’d love an Enlisted Marketplace lol

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This is old news, the project has been around for a year.
The “satellite” of the trading market has also been launched for more than a year, and there is no news of return.
Convey, report, plan, future, coming, soon™, too much.
But it always stays on the lips, on the vocal cords, in short words.

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Literally I would pay moderate sum of gold to be able to play challenges for unlimited time, just to be able to have a squad, item or vehicle.

Let’s say, I pay 800gp for a weeklong challenge where I must get the challenges done, and I have the week to do them, and after I complete the event challenges I am given the event item.

To keep it balanced and “rare” this system can be used ONCE per month. (I’m spitballing that idea) Because those players who would grind out everything would cause the event items to not have the same rate value. (Maybe)