A simple suggestion but I’d really love to see this iconic photo of a Japanese pilot fastening his hachimaki before presumably making his final flight, added as an event portrait.

Furthermore it’d be really cool to see the Japanese receive a cosmetic update in the form of a few variety of hachimaki they can wear. Also they were worn by more than just pilots, and those worn by pilots aren’t always exclusively kamikaze pilots either.

Also please put it in customization so my pilots can wear it.
Well then also allow my german soldiers to have SS insignia as well
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Well I think the implications between the rising sun flag and sig runes or totenkopf or hooked crosses used by the Germans are different contextually.
Whilst personally I’d love to see all symbols of the time be included in the game, I understand why the censorship is there.
To elaborate on a little of what I first said though in what I mean about contextually; a lot of those symbols used by the Germans were just appropriations of symbols prior in history, twisted for the purpose of the primary party within Germany at the time.
Whilst The Rising Sun or Kyokujitsu-ki, predated the imperial Japan of WW2. Whilst the symbol can be associated with the atrocities that fell under it during WW2, I think the flag itself is a little different to the Germans twisting symbols in furthering their ideology, political symbolism and mysticism, like the many Norse and Celtic runes they used as means to perpetuate their own lore that described their ancient “purity”.
Again if it was up to me I’d want to represent the history accurately in terms of symbols and insignia but I understand why it’s the way it is.
Also the flag of the rising sun is already in the game, it’s on flags in gavutu, and on a few tanks like the Ka-Mi BP skin and Ka-Chi preorder skin.
On a note if they did include certain such German symbols, it’d be slightly amusing to see the 45th Infantry Division of the United States Army added as a squad with their symbol.
I, myself as well, think that both rising sun flag(旭日旗) and hakenkreuz (and other symbols) should be used in game.
But my point is that it’d be a double standard banning hakenkreuz whilst allowing rising sun flag.
Both flags are used under axis country and done war crimes under said flag.
Both flags were for good meaning prior to the war.
I don’t see the difference between those.
It’s funny how NKVD is very well represented in game, even tho there were many deaths under that name (namely the katyn massacre)
But the german symbols are censered.
yes, i agree, if the developers felt uncomfortable about ww2 imagery they should not have made a ww2 game in a first place
I don’t think it’s necessarily the Devs being uncomfortable about them, lots of countries have pretty restrictive censorship laws about such imagery in games, from changing the ratings to something higher to outright not allowing the game to be purchased or downloaded until they’re censored appropriately. Both of which and any other such restrictions are bad for their profits.
I’m sure the Devs probably just don’t want to shoot themselves in the foot by limiting their market, but they implement what symbols they can that fly under the radar so to speak lol.
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They quite literally created a harmonization mode in the game (which is forced on the chinese version I believe), I see no reason why this setting can’t be used in the countries where censorship is mandatory
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Huh didn’t know about that. Would still suck for those forced with that on, probably way more than just German symbols would be censored. Working backwards and forwards at the same time.