Since they get their own unique tunic which is only available on Moscow, their less likely campaign to appear, it should be possible for us to buy it for the other campaigns. That or make it their default for all the campaigns but Tunisia, like most event or premiums squads.
Its not unique, its the torso from the M/28 premium engineer squad. I am surprised the event squad gets access to it.
oh, that squad is so old, and i never bought them or seen it in battle that i didn’t know they had that tunic. They get the same customization as these engineers?
Their only unique cosmetic is the torso. So I assume they have the same cosmetic options as the new event squad aside from the special helmet.
I haven’t got that squad yet but why is the uniform so bright green you can see from miles away ?
A similar approach to customization already exists when individual jackets or helmets are available to non-premium squads.
they get a unique helmet that actually makes them eat rifle bullets to the forehead in every campaign, thats not enough?