Even more questions for the editor

hello again.

i have some questions that ranges from different order and specifics.

which i feel like if answered, might help some people if answered.
but… yeah well, i couldn’t find the answers my self across several officials blks ( granted, i kinda zone out when i open half of these and it gets tiring after opening 20 of these and still have not have what i’m looking for. granted, i could be helpeless and way beyond having 0 problem solving but that’s beside the point ) .

so, here i hope some fellow modders can answer them:

  1. custom bench artillery does not work like they used to. or the method has changed.

question is, what has changed? and how can i make them function again?

i have no clue since official blks do not contain artillery/s

  1. how can i add bayonets or scopes to weapons that do not have these?

in my particular case, i wanted to make both the g41 with bayonets and sniper gewehr 41 have both the bayonets, and scope.

problem is, if i add a scope to the bayonet g41, the actual sight wont appear, and the visual is skewed.

and if i try to add a bayonet to the sniper g41, it won’t show up.

  1. is it possible to remove vehicle getting destroyed by timers, or prematurely blow up if the last crew member inside has been killed?

what i would like to do, was to make realistic vehicles where do not blow up prematurely if they have been abandoned or the last crew member inside was kill.

this is more prominent with apcs.

where if the gunner dies, somehow the whole vehicle blows up.

  1. is it possible to prevent the built fortification getting destroyed from grey area prematurely?

because i would have liked to put several medkits and ammo stations for team one in the next objectives if needed.

problem is, upon placing said medkits, or ammo box, those disappear because are out of the combat zone.

which might be useful to prevent apcs blowing up if going outside the combat area too.

  1. is it possible to add suppression effect to bullets?

like, the one when you stand near tanks as they fire and the visual gets all blurry.

i would like to add a suppression mechanics to machine-guns for example, or snipers.

but i’m not sure if it’s actually doable.

and that’s it.

i prolly had more.

but i forgot.
maybe i’ll stich them later ( i hope not )

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  destroyTimerCheckDistance:r=100.0 // only works for spawned vehicle in squad
  _use:t="shred_outside_battle_area" // <--- caused by this 

remove it and define your newone eg.


if you have a big map and you want to auto destory those builded things far away behind previous battle

  game_effect__timeToDestroy:r=1200.0 // auto destory the sandbags wall after 1200 seconds

Oh for this case, the apcs may have to explode as players may spawn in the gray area which may cause some issues

maybe define by this property in projectile entity

try add this to projectile

    value:r=190.0 // i think this value of xxx meters

thank you :saluting_face:


This is caused by this line in vehicles:


Just change yes to no


You can try use artillery_strike_requester. It works similar to benchmark artillery. If you need edit explosions/effects then edit artilleryStrikeTemplate property.

Sadly, but currently time we can’t edit animchars. So… We can’t add nodes for bayonet/scope/grenade_launcher.

But you can try attach bayonet to weapon and add some properties from MAS rifle or another rifle with bayonet.



Could you share the code that removes dead bodies faster despawn corpses faster?


you can find that parameter inside base_soldier.blkx



and therefore, it will look like:

 bodyCleanupTime:r=60.0 // higher = more time before they will despawn. 60 value is default