Even Fight Event: Sea Predator

This item drops from event random reward box . Can we get an explanation on what exactly is this supposed to do?

@James_Grove maybe helpers can help?

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It doesn’t work then, no exp boosts for my next game both times I’ve gotten this card.
Or is it for event battles only?

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@1942786 Imagine allowing hackers to play this event. Why is he still able to play this game in the first place is a better question. Is this how you promote your events and your game? What a joke.


Um…IMO it just the opposite lol, grease guns are trash, entire medic squad is equiped with them on allied side, japs have much better smgs not even close to being even, until today the allies didn’t even have AA guns, they were left out i assume by mistake. The japs are equiped with MORE of THEIR BETTER weapons, both sides ALL VEHICLES ARE TRASH in the event and in the campaign imo. Imo japs definitely have advantage in this event.

Answer is here: What is it? - #16


We have confirmed the presence of prohibited modifications to the client and passed the information about it to EAC. The player is punished in accordance with the rules. We have also removed him from the leaderboard of the event.

Thank you for your attention!


Thanks but he is only tip of the iceberg.

He was cheating in event adn even saying name of cheat site in chat, took days to get banned.
There are more reports like this and nothing gets done because they are not stupid to get to top of leaderboard with obvious stats.
Is anything being done about that?


we would like the devs to pay this little hacker a visit irl and bust hit kneecaps with baseball bats pls :angel:

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So replacing deserters with bots in event is a no no, but having 12 players on one side is ok?

Please fix this already, it’s in game for years.

It’s propably 3-4 stacks getting into last spot or bug with replacing people who leave before battle starts and then the rejoin. Either way, should be fixed long ago, ecpecially in events where every player counts



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i have been spamming @1942786 for this bug for few months now, but seems like no response. also noticed this first in even fight event…

now it’s DONE, headache with robots O_^, and with the times set :vulcan_salute:

so many absurd deaths, you can’t stay hidden for a minute anywhere on the map you hear the gunshots coming from mars towards you :slight_smile: , I’ll watch the replays to understand :hamburger:

Ahhh… so it’s a case of being simple-minded

A) It’s wrong
B) It still don’t give you the right to tell people - that are also much longer with this game then you - whether to speak their mind or not