Even Fight Event: Sea Predator


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they force you need to waste more times to Complete the 3 tasks

howlly shit 10 VS 5 force you cant get 2500 or more score
but that 5 player who ruan away only has nef the Ranking scores they don’t care about

That was the way we used to do events in the past, but I remember the worst end result. Everyone used rapid-fire weapons and only the person who paid the most money won. No match was competitive and almost every round lasted less than 10 minutes.
So that’s how it came to be what it is today.

Locust player always keep make others eat shit and waste manpowe and waste others time of life for fun
They have the ability not to do so, but they deliberately do not
They don’t care about punishment that doesn’t affect them
They don’t care about the pc players who are forced to be their nannies
This is a fair fight!!
7 VS 10?
they even no built rally point!why?
if the dev believe this is such a fair activity,plz try to Take time to participate in this activity live. Developer team

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@1942786 there is possible bug in the event with tanks, there is like limit to 2 spawned tanks per side for the entire battle.

What I mean is that I spawned in the tank at the beginning of the battle, there was also other player in 2nd tank, I killed 2 enemy tanks (later got extra 2 same tanks kills without shooting anything, another bug), after that there were no more enemy tanks present for the rest of the battle. Later when I wanted to spawn again in a tank despite none present on the battlefield the game says that all vehicles are in use.

In my previous battle I also spawned in the tank, but survived through entire battle, again killed 2 enemy tanks and not a single one spawned later.

Screenshot, can’t take a tank and there are none in use at a time:

The rewards seems good. But I will only go for rewards. Even fight is never a fight even, you often got 3 good players+7 ai alike players vs a team of 7 good players… If to say even, then every one should have the same weapon and go one vs one. The other issue is the earning, people simply wont get any orders after fulfilling the daily goal of 7500. I would say good luck to those who want to play 40 matches or more.

Like I said for previous one same goes for this one. Won’t even touch it. The rewards are meh, 0 exp per battle = no bronze & silver orders earnings… trash event.


Previous Even Fight event or previous event in general ?

Previous event was also random in Moscow, Normandy and Berlin no? Thinking about that one. Didn’t play a single game.

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I very much like the sounds of this. Can’t wait to jump in and try it out!

I don’t really get the reason for the event times. 0 - 6 o clock? Isn’t that some rather weird time? And 14-20? That’s exactly during the time where I am at work. :-1:

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I barely let my boss tell me when to show up for paid work…you think you’re going to tell us what hours of the day we can play an event? Lol.

Your opinion doesn’t matter


The only thing I don’t like is the way people can play event both times and not sleep, get top on leaderboard, not everyone has that free time (work and other commitments).

Also I get the squads are fixed, but composition is not great, I have a medic in all my pacific squads, where now I have 5 medics (which everyone uses for SMGs)

But all events are opportunities for people to get bonuses and decal is nice (although I bought something like that already)

Keep up the good work, hoping major update soon, but thinking it will likely be next week as more news to come :+1: (Hispano damage, lmg deployment hopefully - if Santa listening)

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For the love of god make those only modes where both sides can push, i’m so sick of being stuck on defence for god knows how long because enemy team refuses to leave spawn (or put a hard 15m limit on defenders not touching the cap). Or just get rid of the stupid “divide by time played” so that defence maps arent doubly punishing

I enjoy the events you take time to create, but im not a big fan of predetermined squads.

I have noticed alot of players voicing dislike for less than optimal weapons IMPOSED on them in predetermined squads, including me.

IMO the “even fight” type events would be MUCH MORE FUN if the squads all had the BEST weapons/vehicles and were FULLY UPGRADED from the campaign they represent, the part of being “even” would still be in place but the FUN FACTOR would be increased dramatically.
For one HUGE reason, i grind my butt off to earn the necessary tools and xp to AQUIRE the best weapons and vehicles so when a event comes a forces you to resort to less than optimal, its A REAL DRAG.
Alot of players voice this in one way or another.

This event is still fun though and appreciated. And rewards have been good for me, so thanks!

Keep em coming please

I have more feedback, I played a few games today and it was fun, matchmaking work, I chose any team. Only thing is I hit my daily bonuses and then stopped as I wanted a break from pacific.

No fighters in line up saddens me too, but overall got used to composition, sides feel pretty balanced tbh.

As much and as less as yours here.

No idea what’s your problem though. The exchange of opinions is literally the idea of a forum.


You get stuff canceled, best you say nothing

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This has to be a joke, 7 vs 11 games and you better hope you don’t play as Japan. The weapons the Japanese are given are unusable against the weapons the Americans are given, the Japanese couldn’t even get near the American point the entire game.