Erich Luckmann review (german, gold order, stalingrad)

Hello comrades!

This review will be about Erich Luckmann, a strategically smart german soldier, who has beaten dozens of soviet tanks during the battle of Stalingrad with his 8.8cm Flak cannon.

Erich Luckmann´s stats:

Anti-Tank Gunner I
Starter perk: +17.5% speed of changing pose
Mobility: 14
Vitality: 18
Weapon Handling: 19


Screenshot (1757)

Erich Luckmann in real life:



Obergefreiter Luckmann particularly distinguished himself during the fighting for the blocking position north of Stalingrad on the 18.09.1942. As the commander of an 8.8 cm Flak gun, he calmly allowed the oncoming enemy tanks advancing towards his position to get within close range in order to ensure that his shots were all fatal hits. 9 heavy tanks fell victim to his AT rounds on this single day, of which 3 were destroyed at ranges of 10 - 50 metres.

The brave german soldier had previously shown his outstanding qualities during the fighting around Kharkov. Back then, in the role of gunner, he destroyed 8 enemy tanks. It is counted, that until his death in Stalingrad, his unit destroyed 19-23 soviet tanks.


Wow…if he was in charge of an 88…what the fuck did he wait til 10-50 meters for lol


The shot still needs to be aimed, the closer they are, the more likely it will be a hit. (german perfection.)


I get waiting for a good shot. But range was their thing haha. Even 75mm 400 meters was pretty good killzone

Maybe he got swarmed lol

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That’s my guess.

It says he waited for them to come close, and that 2 or 3 were taken down at 10m range… but he probably didn’t wait for those who maybe tried to push hard.

I’d say still manning the gun with a KV being almost at touching distance (jeez there’s point blank, and there’s point blank!) Takes serious balls.

I would’ve probably just said “nope!” And skeedadle…

Probably why he’s recognized :thinking:


I know it´s to much to ask for a unique face but Jesus, couldn´t they atleast give him a face that sort of looks like him? They don´t even look like they´re the same age.


It’s intentional so you must similar looking face by yourself, lmao.

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Seems to be the reason since they already “fixed” those faces but they still look like shrunken heads to me.


I don’t know if they’re just using the more “rare” faces or faces that aren’t normally in rotation to be different, but some of these are so far off. Audie Murphy’s face has a damn beard and looks like he’s in his 30s-40s.

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Element of surprise. My grandfather served in the AA brigade with several different guns. One of them the 88.
If you let them come this close and destroy them, other tanks see the explosion and search the horizon for the gun, not directly in front. Obviously it took him and his crew a lot of balls to perform such a stunt.
Yet my grandfather once told me:
“We build a fake wooden shed around our Flak Vierling, the enemy approached us and the shed felt. After that the massacre began.”
He didn’t tell me more as he always stopped at this point.


I’ve heard similar descriptions though from 2ndary sources.
Basically hold fire until the last possible moment and then unleash hell.

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He’s a beast on these Stalingrad streets

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Sounds like it worked.

I guess just several things go through my head with waiting that long, like blocking your own field of fire with a destroyed tank, or where are the infantry supporting the tank, if any

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The red army didn’t use any infantry support for tanks until very late in the war.
After establishing an infantry circle around the tanks, their losses dropped significantly

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