It would probably have broken guns like the 37mm gun of the bf110 G
Whats the BF 110 gun issues mine fires the 37mm fine but the range I think is slightly off like the guns need Zeroed
Im not convinced it is broken. Just thats its HVAP and has really bad post pen damage.
I have killed tanks with it, but yeah doesnt feel good. Really want APHE, HVAP only for 30mms for volume of fire
Still annoyed that the only CAS cannon plane with 30mm which is perfect for HVAP, has HE-APT rounds
As much as I dislike the new bp format which removed gold orders:
It would be nice if, when it’s Axis turn (if ever) that the gold soldiers be Marseille or Hartmann.
As for the beautiful planes, it could easily be skins, since we already have G6
was it Hartmann or another pilot that would have someone else in his squadron fly his plane (marked) and he would fly an unmarked plane…
as to not spook his prey…I gotta remember where I read that and who it was refering to.