Equipment economy and the Presets-feature


This matter regards presets after merge. Since I believe it will matter way more than now.
For example, If I play with my buddies I want to be able to freely switch between presets without any annoying micro-management of squad loadout in between battles. I want to freely, without any tedious work, switch between let’s say low and high-BR presets without having to re-equip all of our soldiers/squads.

In the light of the new currency news. I want to shed light on something we often don’t talk about. The price/consumption of equipment for our beloved soldiers. I realized I maybe spent 2500-3500 silvers on weapons over my years but realized I probably spent double of silvers on equipment (!).

I believe we forget to discuss how many precious orders that de facto got sucked into the deep pocket of logistics when we get equipment for our soldiers.

That’s also my main argument for making the preset system more sophisticated.

So, let’s get to it:

This is what it costs for players to equip their soldiers fully in the current monetary system. In my opinion it’s a lot of orders, but not that big of deal

My biggest concerns is rather regarding presets

The biggest benefit of presets is to make it easy and flexible for users to swap between different loadouts to quick up the gameplay. Or more precise limiting the time between your menu-actions between battles.

The problem with the current preset system is it’s to crude, in my opinion.
Today one soldier is locked to one specific squad. Also one squad is locked to its current soldiers. It’s a fixed match. Same goes for equipment. One specific weapon in your inventory is locked to one specific soldier and that soldier is locked to that primary weapon (and any equipment attached to him).

In my opinion, it should be more flexible than this!

Example #1.

So soldier # 434 is locked to your squad # 24 and he has the weapon #199 attached to him.
It means your favorite soldier Jurgen Kroll is locked to be a part of the 914th Grenadier regiment using his StG 44. I can’t let Jurgen having a MP28 in another squad.

I would’ve to manually change this every time I switch between presets.

Example 2

Let’s say I want a specific squad in different presets with different load-outs. Today it’s not possible

Japan got two assaulter squads:
I want to use these squads in a “Low-BR setup” for JPN, equipping them with S1-100 and Type 100 (early).

But I also would like to use these two assaulter squads in a “High-BR setup”. Today I would have to stick with S1-100 and Type 100(early) instead of preferably giving them SiG and Type 100 (late).


I unlocked the secondary weaponry slot on my premium PPT-27 squad - if I equip them with Fedorov alongside their SMG they’ll get high BR. But let’s say I want to use them with bolties they would probably get a very low BR. I would’ve to change this every time I queue, to get the right BR.

If I want to give all soldiers going to battle be equipped with an Axe; I need 30 axes.
Seems pretty reasonable.
But consider I creating 3 different presets (Low, Mid, High-BR).

This picture shows us why it will be sufficient to have that many squads/soldiers active after the merge. They didn’t decide to remove any squad and soldiers after the merge. And I can see why. It’s necessary cuz of the current preset system.

Let’s say you want to be fighting in 3 different “BR-zones”. One that covers low-level players/equipment, one that covers mid-level players/equipment and one high-level that will let you dip your toes in the shark tank.

You’ll have to equip to 12 different squads to be somewhat competitive.
As you can see from the picture:

No squad in preset 1 is sufficient in preset 2 and certainly not in preset 3.
No squad in preset 2 can be a part of preset 1 and is not sufficient in preset 3
No squad in preset 3 can be a part of preset 2 or 3

But the biggest problem with this is the number of orders that it requires to make this even possible.

Let’s say I’m a free-to-play player. I have 4 squad slots, it’s roughly 25 unique soldiers ready to go to battle.

Then 25 axes wouldn’t be sufficient to saturate all my presets since I can’t duplicate equipment. I would need 50 more axes if I have 3 presets active (75 in total). That makes no sense.

And don’t forget we only talking about one of four possible factions (!) That’s 300 axes - for a free-to-play player!

A player like me who got 10 slots all over the board would need around 740 axes to saturate 3 presets for all four factions in the game.

Let’s remember. The biggest benefit of presets is to make it easy and flexible for users to swap between different loadouts to speed up the gameplay. Or more precisely limiting the time between your menu actions between battles. I don’t want to re-arrange all my load-outs before changing from one BR-setup to another. I want to easily swap between them. Why presets should be a godsend.

But today we don’t have that luxury unless we spend a ridiculous number of orders (that not even the most experienced player got) to make it work, properly.

This is how btw the number of orders you will need to saturate 4 factions with 3 presets:



stealing my suggestions?


though, yours looks much more refined.

hope it gets more likes than mine…

EDIT: it’s … actually somewhat different

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Oh, sorry Erika. Totally missed your post :upside_down_face:

Have been working on this for a long time :slight_smile:


shouldn’t this be a suggestion rather than in mess room?

yeah maybe. But I believe it’s to “sprawling” maybe, to be a concrete suggestion.

I agree and I think in future a full squad lineup preset system probably come, the preset system we have now is more a test/place holder for him

it has pictures, and a point ( with actual… solutions/suggestion).
( with text on point. rather than my rumbles )

unironically one of the few posts that should actually be a suggestion rather than many others mess room threads missmarked as suggestions…

good points.
Just changed it!

And reading your topic, I think they vary a bit from each other even if they overlap, of course!

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New players see high number and cost for everything in post merge: Guess I gonna die

I agree with the OP.
It is obvious that there is a situation of lack of active players behind the merging of campaigns. However, eliminating the campaign and putting all the players in one queue to make up for the lack is ultimately a cop-out.
I have promoted this game to my own friends and they all left. The main reason is still the economy. It is unfair and not fun to be forced to fight enemies with superior equipment for dozens of hours while not being able to equip yourself.
I think DarkFlow needs to improve the low retention rate of “new players”.
The BR system will make the matches seem a little more fair for beginners than they are now.
The grind will be better with a unified national tree.
And one more thing: we need better economics.
Creating an environment where beginners want to play Enlisted for a long time will fix the fundamental problems of the game and save it in the long run.