Enough with the vehicle spam!

I enjoy fighting infantry whose movements are monotonous and repetitive, and tanks which cannot hide themselves.
I just need to evaluate the enemy’s respawn time and the enemy’s movement path
Then I can kill those guys who have no skills and don’t want to intercept me.

the best is
When I enjoy the advantages brought by this kind of money, technology and knowledge reserves and the enemy’s laziness, and the large number of points brought by the massacre
I can also watch online videos and social software
Because more than 90% of the enemies won’t try to intercept or stop me from blowing them up into the sky :smiley:


This is the way.

Even if someone with more slots can spawn many aircrafts, he will have to take off from the ground, won’t be able to jump the victor of a previous dogfight with a fresh plane.


This is a multiplayer battle game (although most of the time it’s like a single-player asymmetric game)
This means that you have to learn (including but not limited to) interception, suppression and cooperation
Instead of crying that the enemy is killing you and the monkey next to you

Why don’t you review what the 5 to 7 players at the back and the low-ranked vehicle experts are doing?
Everyone just does it for their own convenience, regardless of the situation of the battle, or walks directly in front of the enemy’s artillery fire, or even just hides behind and refuses to occupy the stronghold.
Even occupying vehicles but unable to effectively combat waste time and important resources
The enemy killed more friendly troops than their vehicles!
They are the biggest reason for losing

As for another question
Your request is impossible
I don’t mind using 7 aircraft to continue killing guys who have no skills and refuse to intercept the enemy.
Those who are unwilling to learn and cooperate will only be slaughtered wherever they go.

90 minutes of applause :clap:

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He got upset by it and flagged, aww :laughing:


I don’t think I’m strong in dogfights, but I’m not poor either…I’m the first one who, after a good dogfight and lose, compliments my opponent. We’re not talking about skill or “honor” in fighting, we’re not talking about knowing your own plane and knowing what it can do and what it can’t do, we’re talking about doing a cowardly thing, it’s like if in a sword fight you show up with a gun.

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Seriously go check @Myrm1don suggestion out. It’s extremely well detailed and complete. Recently go the attention of helpers/ alphas at last.

Every decent pilot agrees with it.


If for you, “playing Enlisted” is simply “fighting against cannon fodder and scoring as many points as possible”, I think it’s not the most suitable game for you.

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But enlisted is exacly that…
If you are looking for a competetive game then you are looking at the wrong place.
The playerbase imbalance caused by the commuinity itself made sure hat only casual playerbase stuck around.

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This sentence can also be applied to you and certain people.
If to you war games and multiplayer battle games are just games where you have to adapt the mechanics to your skill and level of motivation
Then you are really not suitable for PVP games
Because anything that can defeat you is unreasonable to you

I also enjoy fighting against advanced players
It’s just that plane suicide is specially used to deal with players who refuse to learn and don’t want to intercept.

What can I say? I’m sorry you see it that way. For me Enlisted is not a fight against cannon fodder, but not even a fight against dummies, I don’t get angry if I lose when I know I put in the effort and fought. But killing yourself and spamming vehicles throughout the match is not skill.

For new players who don’t have skill or equipment, and want to get xp quickly, I think it’s ok. But if advanced players (tier2 and above ) are still doing it, then it’s pretty toxic. But tbh, vehicle spam doesn’t do that much damage. It just gives more vehicle kills.

For plane spam airfields would be the answer even if they are premium and can bring many plane they have to now take off and gain speed and altitude it would allow the plane on the sky to intercept plane Spammer easily and spamming won’t be viable anymore since everytime you die you have to take off which would be longer than just going to rearm point like people above pointed for tank spam I think forcing tankers to play 2 infantry squds after their tanks death would be a good start not as good as the airfield but somthing otherwise I can’t think of anything else for tank spam let me think about it maybe I will come with better idea

I would just suicide those infantry squads. When I want to play tanks, I am going to play tanks. That’s what I have paid for.

This “point at something and say it’s a spam” fanatism is truly toxic endeavour.

It gets pilunished if you kill your soldiers within short amount of time after spawning you would have to wait longer for spawning next squad and each time you have to wait longer

Like I said it’s start its not Finale solutions maybe tanks start 700 to a 1 Kilometer away from objective but maps aren’t that big at least not for tank otherwise better solution would be spawn based on the score and each time you die score required will increase but again all of these have flaws
I understand that you paid for it you want to play it but it shouldn’t be at the cost of every bodies misery anyhow at some point somthing will be done so until then you can enjoy spamming Tanks

I really couldn’t care less. Then I just desert the match. I am pretty sure my team is going to appreciate bot instead.

When I am in the mood to play tanks, I am going to play tanks.

Enlisted was always unbalanced ww2 sand box for casuals. That’s why I love it so much.
It was never a big deal, there were no restrictions and you could do whatever you wanted.

It’s that people who spend too much time in the game and take it too seriously want to remake it into something the game never was. It’s truly bizarre.

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As it should be.

Having each player in your team pick a tank here and there hurts your team, because every new spawning player needs to identify the enemy and evaluate the battle structure before being able to give effective support fire.

A dedicated tanker knows where the enemies are at after dieing. They know what area to avoid after dieing.

I actually been saying since Beta that there needs to be a way to unlock vehicle slots for non premium players, because not having access to 3 vehicles simply makes one a less effective tanker.

Also if I would get spawnkilled my either a suicide diving plane or Paratroopers that literally drop in easy combat distance to my vehicle spawn, without being able to respawn right away - I would uninstall the game.

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I continue to be of the opinion to reduce this vehicle spam, it is really frustrating to play battles like this, the problem is that these players who use this technique continue to camp in the gray areas and, as I said before this happens: The tank shoots continuously while he is in the gray zone, you decide to take the plane to take him out, he dies, while you have lost altitude and maneuverability he takes the plane and takes you out, he crashes, he takes another plane and crashes, he takes the tank and the situation starts again… the problem is that, while he has everything right away, a player has to wait to be able to get back on the plane…

Well for the fee of two slots, you too can have 3 vehicles.

Slots were well worth it imo


Like I keep telling others, slots are the only real worthwhile investment (with BP that keep refunding itself)

The rest is mostly bling (often iconic but still bling)