Enough with the vehicle spam!

I enjoy using aircraft in the game, but I don’t rely on them exclusively. Lately, I’ve noticed a trend among players with premium accounts who spam vehicles throughout the match: as soon as they’re taken out, they respawn with another vehicle, and it continues incessantly.

Frequently, I find myself in dogfights against opponents in aircraft. Even if I win the battle, those with premium accounts can quickly respawn with another aircraft, gaining a substantial advantage. This leaves winners at a disadvantage, often low on ammo and maneuverability, while the respawned player has full resources and knowledge of your whereabouts. It feels incredibly unfair.

And it’s frustrating when opponents opt to respawn with an aircraft after noticing your approach, effectively restarting the cycle.

This behavior seems common among players using U.S.A. vehicles, but the issue extends beyond aircraft to tanks and other vehicles, where players can immediately switch upon death, severely tilting the game’s balance.

The typical pattern repeats: grab a tank, camp in the gray area (an ongoing problem), and continuously fire until an aircraft targets you. Then respawn, grab another aircraft, perform a kamikaze run, and repeat.

I’m not suggesting premium account holders shouldn’t enjoy perks like multiple vehicles, but introducing a cooldown could prevent this repetitive cycle, even for those who repeatedly crash and use kamikaze tactics. Additionally, I’ve considered implementing spawn points similar to War Thunder to mitigate this issue, though I’m uncertain about its effectiveness. It’s frustrating, and matches often become unplayable under these conditions.

Thank you for your attention!


your answer is airfields :stuck_out_tongue:


Why can’t capitalists get the rewards they deserve for paying to survive in the game?

Please try to use better equipment and cooperate with your teammates to intercept them
Reduce unnecessary aircraft ammunition consumption and utilize various equipment to disrupt or hunt tanks
As for teammates? You’d better not expect anything from wild monkeys
Please form a team
If none of the above can be done, maybe you can review your skills or withdraw from the competition.
This is definitely easier than going to jail

Most players only have 2 to 3 vehicle slots
After each aircraft dies, it takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds or more to respawn and rotate.
And their rebirth areas are basically fixed.
If you can destroy 3 units quickly, they will have to wait at least 40 seconds before they can respawn again.
Even if you respawn normally, you will have more than 10 seconds to turn around and ambush again.
Unless they are a different kind of parasite or they are hopeless on the ground.
Otherwise they will give up using the suicide windmill after you intercept a few times in a row.

Why do people always prefer to protest and cry to ask the official to make the game more monotonous and boring than learning how to fight and team up to fight other players?

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How would you think vehicle spam isn’t monotonous and boring


Thanks for your reply! I’ve read your idea and find it interesting :slight_smile: . My concern is that airports might disrupt the enlistment rate, not to mention the campers or other factors. So, if I understand correctly, your idea suggests refueling should occur at airports rather than in the air? This could potentially improve the situation, but it may not fully resolve it. :thinking:

Only the first take off…Once you are airborne you still use air resupply, and nothing changes…

that is until you get shot down/crash and need to start on the ground again…So in your case, you get a chance to rearm after shooting that guy down. And he Gets AA protection while taking off.

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Maybe I didn’t explain myself clearly. I’m not saying players with a premium account shouldn’t have more vehicles, but constantly spamming vehicles in the game isn’t cool or enjoyable. It’s not even about “getting good” at the game.

Well…this might solve airplane spam, but don’t you think there are people who, even though you have to take off and then crash, would still do it?

we need airfields and let SPAA don’t take tank slot, because people keep crying about it, don’t think wrong I use also engie ones, but when you are constantly attacked due that permanent spam and I tell you in my hellish br 5 pacific games with p-47 taking our buts, even with 2 engie and ta-se it’s hard stop them

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do you mean kamikaze? Cant stop it completely. But what you do is make it far less efficient than rearming…

and if you mean just ability to take off. its pretty easy.

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I enjoy fighting infantry whose movements are monotonous and repetitive, and tanks which cannot hide themselves.
I just need to evaluate the enemy’s respawn time and the enemy’s movement path
Then I can kill those guys who have no skills and don’t want to intercept me.

the best is
When I enjoy the advantages brought by this kind of money, technology and knowledge reserves and the enemy’s laziness, and the large number of points brought by the massacre
I can also watch online videos and social software
Because more than 90% of the enemies won’t try to intercept or stop me from blowing them up into the sky :smiley:


This is the way.

Even if someone with more slots can spawn many aircrafts, he will have to take off from the ground, won’t be able to jump the victor of a previous dogfight with a fresh plane.


This is a multiplayer battle game (although most of the time it’s like a single-player asymmetric game)
This means that you have to learn (including but not limited to) interception, suppression and cooperation
Instead of crying that the enemy is killing you and the monkey next to you

Why don’t you review what the 5 to 7 players at the back and the low-ranked vehicle experts are doing?
Everyone just does it for their own convenience, regardless of the situation of the battle, or walks directly in front of the enemy’s artillery fire, or even just hides behind and refuses to occupy the stronghold.
Even occupying vehicles but unable to effectively combat waste time and important resources
The enemy killed more friendly troops than their vehicles!
They are the biggest reason for losing

As for another question
Your request is impossible
I don’t mind using 7 aircraft to continue killing guys who have no skills and refuse to intercept the enemy.
Those who are unwilling to learn and cooperate will only be slaughtered wherever they go.

90 minutes of applause :clap:

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He got upset by it and flagged, aww :laughing:


I don’t think I’m strong in dogfights, but I’m not poor either…I’m the first one who, after a good dogfight and lose, compliments my opponent. We’re not talking about skill or “honor” in fighting, we’re not talking about knowing your own plane and knowing what it can do and what it can’t do, we’re talking about doing a cowardly thing, it’s like if in a sword fight you show up with a gun.

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Seriously go check @Myrm1don suggestion out. It’s extremely well detailed and complete. Recently go the attention of helpers/ alphas at last.

Every decent pilot agrees with it.


If for you, “playing Enlisted” is simply “fighting against cannon fodder and scoring as many points as possible”, I think it’s not the most suitable game for you.

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But enlisted is exacly that…
If you are looking for a competetive game then you are looking at the wrong place.
The playerbase imbalance caused by the commuinity itself made sure hat only casual playerbase stuck around.

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