Enlisted's tank aim mechanism really need rework

I suggested this long ago but still nothing any change.

Current aim mechanism is uncomfortable and unintuitive

This auto aim Assist need remove. or at leasts make turn off option.


I feel like the video you showed is a bit disingenuous. In the WT half, you were clearly aiming above the cupola and so the rounds were able to clear it entirely. Whereas in the Enlisted half, you aimed right at the barrel directly. Then the image makes me think you thought you shouldn’t hit the barrel when you aimed right at it?

Regardless, yeah if they’re gonna use the gunner’s sight and try to be a bit realistic, they should make things line up properly. The sight is offset from the gun, and the MG goes to the side of where you’re aiming. I’d also like the pen indicator to be removed. Less arcade more realism. Besides, it helps when the dude in the Tiger can’t just pixel hunt how to pen your Jumbo while you can’t do jack to him