Enlisted's Axis real Problem

i’m sorry. But I can’t keep quiet anymore)


No, after the last update I played both the Germans and Japanese in the high BR queue. And both factions are doing very well.

Yes, there are more yellow ranks on the allied side. But they are mostly average players. They only boosted their ranks due to the pre-update unfair cap speed/ticket policy that heavily favored the allies.

(btw. I haven’t bothered to watch that video)


not to take jabs at content creators, but they really should get into modding and actually check the stuff they say.

i’m baffled by how many things they get wrong.

and it doesn’t even take years to actually check it.

but no, let’s point fingers to things that aren’t actually a problem.


you can be playing properly and even in squad and still loose because your squad are the 4 real monkeys,rests or are bots or are new players/bad players

Nahh man, Axis lost their captime and reinforcements advantage against Soviets in Stalingrad and Moscow but it is actually Normandy and Bulge where Axis get most of their defeats.

It’s a temporary playerbase issue caused by victory farmers who always stack one side.


Literally what I’ve been saying this whole time, but ok

It says it’s the playerbase’s fault. Like I’ve been saying since the dawn of time

Logical solution: Increase playable areas and obj areas to disperse toxic spams
Df solution: lets add unecceserily akward and complex solution which will lead even more complications later on


What are you even talking about?

You’re not familiar with how the devs used to tweak the cap time and cap reinforcement amounts per faction + mission to “balance” the campaigns?

I am very familiar. And that’s why I am surprised he said exactly the opposite things to what reality has been since merge.
Cap speed/ticket policy was extremely in favor for allies.

And axis had no cap speed/ticket advantage against Soviets post merge.
That’s pure BS. His statement reflects pre merge reality, not post merge reality.

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I thought post merge, the previously implemented adjustments were kept until everything was removed?

Thought at least he was right about moscow and stalingrad, though could be wrong.

Only a matter of time before the post “soviets real problem” or “allies real problem” comes around…again


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If I remember correctly. Some time ago, the developers aligned (made completely fair for both sides) the cap speed/ticket policy to a couple of campaigns with the intention of doing so with all campaigns in the future.

The important thing is that axis did not have an advantage. They were at a severe disadvantage in Normandy and Ardennes. That’s why all of a sudden the popularity of the US grew so much. Even though at the time they still had absolutely bad sigths on weapons.

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Just quickly cheking the news, think this was in december and only for Tunisia and Berlin campaigns, which was then rolled out to all campaigns on 20.2. The next note for cap balance adjustment that i spotted was from airborne forces update.

Might have missed some, might be that balancing was done quietly or might be that all the legacy cap balance junk was still in.

My bet is on the last one, as i have a distinct recollection semi-close to the merge from moscow where the axis cap time was notably quicker than with allies.