Enlisted Returns to Steam!

Ok I will be back in like 8 hours so maybe I will play first then download the steam launcher

Btw, are we going to see this skin in game?



It’s the same thing.

See this as the same game, but Steam & regular launchers are pathways to access it

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I wouldn’t say so, but regardless they’re not going ip against German teams so it doesn’t matter anyway

Except that both Japan and Germany fights against the US, I guess that fighting German BR5 paratroopers will be easier than fighting BR4 japanese paratroopers, which does not make any sense.

The Hei LMG is a complete downgrade from the Hei Automatic. That’s why it’s at BR4. Nobody would want to buy the squad at BR5 if it has a worse version of a tech tree weapon that blocks off a quarter of your screen.

Still doesn’t really matter. The German paras are fine.

Tell me how is this a “worse” weapon ? It has the exact same stats, more default ammo, a 20hp shield (literally twice more hp than a default soldier for… reason ?) and a lower BR. I mean if that is a downgrade, I would likely take it on any of my weapons then.

I know, they are fine at BR 5, I agree. Type Hei auto at BR 4 is not.

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I already told you how it’s a worse weapon. Try reading it again.

Well that’s just like your opinion man

I am sorry but I don’t see how “blocking” (well that’s honestly your opinion) your sight grant the weapon the right to be one full BR lower.

Find me a single comparable weapon at BR 4 for any faction.

Like half the LMGs in the game :joy:

Only ones it remotely looks like, are the Select fire Type Hei or the Federov MG which are both BR 5

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You mean LMG which have speed reduction and have less ammo/damage and higher recoil ? Because this does not apply for the type hei it does not have any.

Try again.

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Not all LMGs have speed reduction

Try again

you are right. there are “two”. The Type Hei and the Federov MG, which again…is BR 5


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the BAR doesn’t have the speed reduction either

-25% for all BARS. and a gold order with -20%

and they dont have bayonets, bullet shields or 30 round mags


Huh, never noticed. I always felt like BARs moved quicker than other LMGs.

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Oh but it has don’t worry. 25% speed reduction to be more precise (just like Johnson LMG), which is less than most other mg, to compensate for its low ammo capacity.

They do, it is -25% rather than -50% (KE7 the japanese bar and WAR only have -20%) but they only have 20 rounds compared to 50 of the germans and soviets.

