Enlisted Returns to Steam!

You can’t carry the whole match with single squad

Thats not a excuse to ignore BR system altogether, by that measure u can make it BR1 and say the same thing; just dont defend it for sake of conversation; we both know its wrong in this case.

Ill see play in BR3 bracketing currently and its completely by every measure OP for BR3-4 games; Im fine with premiums being special or near P2W but even this smells uneven completely unreasonable to stomp BR3 lineups with .


Why have my achievements not been transferred to Steam? Even played for 1 hour, none seems to pop up.

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That’s why I said the squad should be moved up to BR5, and not artificially nerf it. It would do no good.

(Btw. Both BR3 and BR4 US line ups are still overall better than Jap line ups.

Jumbo, Sherman 105, corsair, event fuel tank plane with hvars, calliope)


It should go to BR V and get a 20% sprint speed reduction, and that is a generous number as the Type 11 gets 50% sprint speed reduction with the same weight.


The wording is very clear
Great job with the quick fix!

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We aware of that issue and devs are working on


Is it indended that the japanese BR 5 launcher is worse than the lower BR version on the paratrooper?
The type 4 cant even pen the side armor that is everywhere of the pershing due to needing a perfect 90 degree angle for the pen to actually go through?
The lower BR version does not suffer from the same problem due to the larger penetration.
Could this be addresed?

So G30R needs 20rd Mags not current 10rd (still completely fine at BR4);
Stinger’s box is supposed to be 100rds;
Hei Para unrealistic gun shield :confused:

@makingenlistedbetter @James_Grove :pray:

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Can confirm steam account linking worked :smiley: Hopefully this means no more launcher stopping all my non enlisted downloads without the launcher.

Also: really?

Its good to see the “reinforced” dropped from the steam.

G30R having a rocket artillery is interesting. Does this indicate that the old Radio squads will be getting radio artillery (the two from Tunisia - Turner SMLE and Berretta M31)?

I am upset that only 2 factions got premiums on steam … wish all 4 did. Also the fact that neither are low BR / changeable weapons means that they are not as new player friendly as they could have been. I would have at least added the 2 rocket artillery (german and russia) squads as well.

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Scoped type 96 maybe for sniper III


We forwarded that suggestion to devs.


At last! This is fantastic news, but I want to make absolutely sure I fully understand this before making a decision on playing the Steam version:

  1. This truly is an account linking process for my Gaijin and Steam accounts, and not an account migration process, correct? So, if I want to, I could bounce back and forth between playing the original Enlisted client version, and the new Steam version while keeping all of my purchases and progress made regardless of which version I was previously playing (like with War Thunder)?

  2. Can I still purchase content for Enlisted from store.gaijin.net, and that content be playable on both the original Enlisted client version as well as the new Steam version (again, like with War Thunder) after the account linking process is completed?

  3. Are there any reasons why someone might not want to complete the account linking process to play the new Steam version?

  4. Are there any pros or cons between the two versions?

Thanks, guys. :saluting_face:

I think the assault loadout of the BR III of the new Japanese paras needs some rework, it feels weird to get BR II LMG while they already carry BR “IV” LMG, maybe replace it with late Type 100 SMG?

  1. Yes, it’s an account linking process. And yes. :slight_smile:
  2. Yes again!
  3. Well, for many there may just not be much point in it. If you want to do it, you can.
  4. Do whatever suits you best! Of course, if you are making purchases on the game and would prefer the developers to receive it without any commission, then make your purchases on the Gaijin store. :slight_smile:

Should add the Navy SNLF Paratrooper with event for high BR and a PROPER loadout suitable for them


srsly why bother the event one atm

I thought p47 rn already is

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In the Pacific today, the environment is such that only the US can overrun enemy soldiers with rockets, so it is hard to believe that these Japanese paratroopers are unbalanced in light of this.

quick question major, does it affect in any way my WT account?

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Good news. Don’t forget to update the teaser video just after the soldier animations get updated. They look stiff in this video, especially while running

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