Enlisted Replay- Big Action Mod Multi Players Games


The new testting version has been released, welcome to try it~

Change log draft WIP here:

Update engineer build list

Updated machine guns, small fixed machine guns can now be deployed more flexibly

Added sandbag foundation, which can be used to stack multiple sandbags

Updated the appearance of tank barriers so they are now based on wood instead of steel

Updated construction vehicles for all factions

Light vehicles move the spawn point, now directly replace the vehicle for deployment, and will give a construction tool that can be used to build a medium anti-tank gun.

  • You can deploy Zis-3 and Pak40 this way.

Some vehicles that were designed as support vehicles have been replaced with artillery tractors and can be used to build supply facilities.


  • Added new vehicles sdkfz6 half-track tractor and sdkfz6/2 half-track anti-aircraft gun

  • It has a unique sub-quest that you can access 2 tech tree nodes.

  • When you successfully complete the missionof building facilities, you will receive a construction tool for a heavy artillery or howitzer.

Mission1: (left to right)

Respawn ------- 500m -------> capzone (build frontline ammunition box)

Mission2 : (right to left)

build tractors rally <— 500m <---- capzone

The rocket launcher vehicle now adds an aiming camera for indirect aiming, toggled in the gunner position.

All the above-mentioned heavy curve firepower can have a brief impact point mark on the map when firing, so you can know the location of the impact point of the shell.

  • From the movable engineering construction hammer, you can build unique things, different from ordinary engineering hammers.

  • Po-2 and Fw-189 are now TPS view as Warthunder; They transformed into a rallying point as they successfully landed into the battlefield

and Po-2 can airdrop spawn points;

  • Added concrete bunkers in certain locations on the map. As well as the tank’s turret on the concrete bunker.

  • Replaced the appearance of all bombsites, now you can actually blow up a bridge. And the power of bombsite explosion will match its animation effect

  • Updated the animation effect of plane crash. Now the plane crash will not produce a big explosion effect. The original explosion effect was used for bombsite

  • Special radio support to hide opponent’s shelling marks

  • Increased explosion range and damage of all infantry rocket launchers.

  • All melee weapons can initiate sprint runs

  • With a magazine submachine gun, you can sprint and run faster

  • Adjusted the team score and increased the deduction points for the attacking team for blast points

Slightly increased the distance from rally point to capzone

Punishment measures for downed aircraft have been added. Now a downed aircraft will deduct an additional 2 points from the team. As well as the ability to recycle aircraft, you can now destroy them at the airport.

  • etc

Hi, how do we deploy these? Light vehicles or special engineer hammer?

Why is pe2 able to drop rallies not Fw189, seems unfair? Is this restricted by distance as usual? (not sure what po2 is sorry!)

This mod has revived Enlisted for me and a few of my long term player friends, keep up the good work

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deploy these vehicles (I just screenshots the files names…)


Their mechanics are similar to light vehicles,

When deployed at the default rally point, the light vehicle deploys a mobile spawn point supply truck;

When these vehicles are deployed at the default assembly point or at the artillery assembly point, they will spawn a tracked tractor and a special engineer hammer.

A simple technology tree is as follows:

Hammer lv1 → Build frontline ammunition box → Hammer lv2 → Build artillery radio station → Hammer lv3 (howitzer)


Don’t understand Tech tree on hammer, but put rocket tank in and it spawned rocket tank with engineer hammer in front. (Indirect fire works nicely, not too op imho)

But cannot spawn half-track, I have PzivE, Pz38t, Stug A on Moscow Axis?

try panzer III B

Yes that worked for normal half track, how do we I spawn AA half-track please, stable build so far for me, one disconnect issue early morning.

I picked up hammer of half-track, but not sure what I need to do to spawn artillery tractor either?

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i checkout the configure.

panzer iii b and panzer iii J (tunisia) and stug III A

can be deploy as both leFH18/40 105mm howitzer tractor and sdkfz6/2 flak 36 (AA half-track)

they deploy as half-track tractor in default rally.

then you can get a constrution hammer to start a small battle logistics mission

  1. you have to build the Frontline Ammunition Depot (1/3 close to the frontline with the first hammer (lv.1)

  2. then you can get a lv2 hammer from the ``Frontline Ammunition Depot`

  3. use lv2 hammer to build Tractors Rally away from the capzone. (and you will get a final hammer lv3 which can build 105mm howitzer)

By the lv2 building Tractors Rally you can deploy your sdkfz6/2 flak 36 from it , when you again respawn with these vehicles. (with choose the respawn with icon of cannon)

The reason why I designed a small mission to allow players to obtain powerful howitzers. It is a mechanism to avoid every player using sappers and abusing howitzers.

yes I think there is something wrong. But yet I dont find the reason cause it.

I may need some clue. I will check and test them.

The current version is still unstable.

It is recommended to download the new version from the link every time you play, I will fix some instability issues

Thank you :heart:

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I used the pzIIIB as said spawn at default spawn, it was half-track (which I love!), but tried to spawn / build ammunition depot, it was saying too close to spawn point, I was 500+ from objective, so that was my problem, does it need to be any distance from half-track o can I build ammunition point and pick up spanner right next to it?

Does hammer II automatically spawn like in front of half-track, same way?

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Yes, I have some issues with my text description, I will update it.

It means 500 meters from the default respawn, not 500 meters from the capzone.

You can build the target of mission 1 near the capzone.

Then in mission 2 you have to stay away from the capzone. then get your howitzer

Mission1: (left to right)

Respawn ------- 500m -------> capzone (build frontline ammunition box)

Mission2 : (right to left)

build tractors rally <— 500m <---- capzone

mission 1, I update the icon and texts

Deploy panzer III B here again then you can get a sdkfz6/2 flak38

I have currently updated a version, you can update it before you play



Since the current version is really unstable, I think it still might have disconnect issues.

When you build a successful ammunition depot you will see the mission reward on it~

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Ok I am so close, but I picked up hammer II from tractor point, but now when I want to build artillery it says I have no resources, i take it you must swap engineers to ensure enough resource points? Now I have taken hammer II but can’t build or drop hammer, so will need to bring in dedicated engineers I think and swap each engineer (pick up hammer 1 with eng A, pick up hamer 2 with eng B etc etc

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Your halftrack can replenish your resources. Or you can use a different soldier to pick up the hammer

It plays the role of replenishing artillery ammunition and moving artillery. (gameplay narrative)

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Ok deployed it now (Thanks for answering my questions!) But I don’t know how to aim howitzer, I take it there is equivalent on Soviet team?

I saw how it worked for rockets, but can’t see how to aim, I am 1000m away and pointing 105 Left up, what is my aim indicator the circle?

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I figured it out, would be nice to get some rearming sounds (feedback only), I keep saying it, but I mean it I think you have saved Enlisted! :+1:

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I’m telling more and more people about this mod of yours, the only thing is new people need to grind XP, are you sure we earn nothing? I’m maxed so can’t tell…

Also, how do I ensure I am playing latest version of mod, I seriously think you should consider a discord server for feedback and latest news / q&a on it, but that might be going too far.

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