Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

So the steam version will get exclusive content that will be behind the paywall? And the console nothing? I’ll keep that in mind when deciding which game to put my money into.

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Will we able to gift those new bundles to the friends on Steam? It would increase player count that way even by just doing some giveaways. Even your official Streamers could giveaway some of those bundles. It’s a Free PR for the game.

The content isn’t exclusive to the steam version, it’s available to the normal launcher, and consoles as well


I don’t think it would help f2p players in any way. It would be even more frustrating. If you want to grind all factions at once as f2p, you’ll have a very horrible experience. At least in the beginning.

Would still help indirectly by helping to balance the teams. Additionally early BR is very fast to research through; XP boost here would also help somewhat. Battle award silver buff is the more relevant for newbies I agree.

My only question about everything:

  • To recap, buying one of the 3 “access” packs on Steam, will LINK my Gaijin account, with my Steam one, correct? It’s not just a complete transfer, but sharing. Which means after I’ve done so, I can always get all future purchases directly from Gaijin.net to support developers as usual, is that correct?

Nothing would be different except both account will be linked?


That’s debatable as well. You don’t know the exact number of people who don’t care what faction they’re playing at any given time.

Getting rid of the win bonus/loss penalization would be much better in this regard. (Just give the current 50% bonus to all players no matter if they’ve lost/won. But only in the matter of silvers, not exps)
And it could potentially positively influence desertion rate.

yes, you can always go back to playing the game through the gaijin launcher with no issues and you can always buy though the gaijin.net store as well


Wonderful, thank you. It was really my only question :smile:

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And for me the nail in the coffin is that this “Fedorov MG” existed in 1 test item in 1920-30s and was never even considered to be actually produced and issued.


it can be bought after the steam launch are done yes? just like those pre-order bundle?

In the Early Access bundles we will include fully equipped unique squads with engineers, with which Enlisted newcomers even in their first battles will be able to overcome any opponent, and become useful allies for their teammates.

The word unique means exclusive in my native language.

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It’s right below

So just for clarification. Only way to link your account is by buying one of the packs?

“Throughout the game’s closed testing” - Meaning I can link it afterwards? For free?



Potentially after the end of the early access period if devs want it that way, but we don’t know yet


You say that as if it was the same group of people doing both of those things.

Could BR3 be put into togheter with BR1 and BR2 before the game realeses on Steam? There is no way that it is fair to fight in a KV-1 against a Tiger II and this happends a lot. Players will leave the instant they realize they are fighting a tier they have no of countering with equally balanced weapons. It should’t be frustrating to play the game, it should be enjoyable.

“its not fair that br3 can fight br5, can you make it so br3 can only fight br1?”


so im gonna assume we can buy these squad after the steam launch are done which is nice

Translation: I only want to destroy noobs with 2 Shermans, 2 paratroopers, flamethrowers and grenade launchers.