Why don’t you start by increasing your clientele before monetizing?
Can I have the triplets if I buy first steam version and then 100 bucks bundle? While already owning OGs.
you know if they resell the M2 Hyde and Mp 41 as the basic set i would have buy it ngl
Are the engineers armed with SMG?
Why don’t let most players play for free and give us players both new and old some bundles that are worth our money. But nah let’s go full on greed like some gacha game.
That nickname decorator is a joke too.
So apparently I can put MGs on the SMG engineers???
Premium SMG troopers can switch weapons too, ie are BR customizable. Was this how the OG squad worked???
Lots of happy people in steam too
DF, what are you doing! Seriously what is your plan here, I’m genuinely curious because it doesn’t make much sense…
Entire"Reinforcements" Deluxe Bundle should be included in the Steam purchase of the game for $20 if you ask me. Asking $100 for old squads is so damn shameless especially since we had amazing deals like Stalingrad FA and Pacific packs. Half of those premiums are not even that good.
No, you can’t change the weapons on the OG squad
forgot to mention,
isn’t funny how newer players get access to br III weapons right from the bath ( if they decide to get the second pack ) ?
br III right away with their shiny new boxes
enlisted experience 1 0 1
This release is so funny
I’ve been on Steam for 20 years, so I’m pumped that this game is being launched on that platform. However, it says I have to pay $19.99 to buy the game. The same free game I already have? I don’t understand. If the $19.99 goes toward unlocking a squad or toward gold, you should make that crystal clear in the description, like pretty much every other game on Steam does (description of exactly what you get for the $19.99). The Enlisted Steam Store provides no context for what the money is buying.
they will be breakfast even on BR2, but on BR3 they are dead.
Imagine the poor america fanbois getting uptiered to BR5 Japan
so steam dont get the other packs if i understand this correctly
To be fair, if they’re dumb enough to pay this, they’d get destroyed no matter what anyway…
100 usd to be farmed by the japanese. Another victory for the emperor i guess
Yes, you have to spend 20 and 100 (if you want steam access and all new squads)
i might be dumb enough to buy it