Enlisted: Reinforced is available on Steam!

Why the hell are you selling t3 squads? Now all the new steam players will be greeted by as 44 and stg 44 spam


Itā€™s obvious they donā€™t even play their game or maybe entire DF dev team is consisting of AI bots i dunnoā€¦


can console buy that pack separately? im just curious

Didnā€™t even think of that. F

Good question. No clue. Am at work

i see people are loving the news :joy:


Thereā€™s a pre recorded Dev stream, on Steam, ATM :smile:

yea i was watching that a bit

Well, those bundles cannot be even purchased via steam. And I highly doubt the first thing new players are going to do is to buy random bundles on Enlistedā€™s store.
(But at that point they could just buy BR5 stuff instead)

So I donā€™t think your ā€œattackā€ was fair. Stop being over dramatic.


Or why do we only get US and German stuff.

Basically, if I just want those 2 tank squads but already have the other 4 squads, I still have to pay the full price?

Damnā€¦ Even WT has discount on bundles in case youā€™ve already had some vehicle in them.


The two most important nations in the war. The one who started it and the one who ended it (Pacific Campaign brought WWII to a final close)

Are these squads identical to existing squads, or will I get duplicates if I purchase them through this?

115th Infantry Regiment (M3 Field Modification)
195th Infantry Regiment (Beretta M1918)

343rd Infantry Regiment (MG13 w/ Drum Magazine)
112th Infantry Regiment (Colt Monitor)

If they are not duplicates to existing squads, why do I not get a discount for already having them?

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Iā€™m almost certain but please tell me youā€™re screwing with me. Lol

whats the best way to contact support if I run into an issue with account linking?

Is this some next level satire?

Please stay on topic guys.

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Yes and no. Itā€™s a joke, but those are facts

If i remember correctly Euthy said that M3 mod and baretta are actually different (since their engineer have the gun) as for MG13drum and colt apparently you get gold back if you buy it

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Ah yes, the famous Japanese surrender to the Soviets

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