Enlisted Post Merge

I’m going to discuss the game’s state now after the dreadful merge.
I think that the game was already in a good state before it, and that the merge did not fix any problems, and instead ruined everything.
Before you disagree, let me explain.

I have played every campaign before the merge and played since release, and I’d like to say that I disliked Normandy the most.
Most of the maps are terrible, and don’t get me started with the horrible Steel Mill maps.
Before then, it was better since you could choose the campaign you enjoy and play it without any problems.
But then now that the merge is here, I’m now forced to play campaigns and maps that I truly despise, which has caused me to desert, ranking me down, and I’m sure some of you have felt the same.

Tech Trees
We can’t talk about how bad the merge was, without talking about the dreaded tech tree system. As some of you may know, I already play War Thunder and I’m sure most of you do, and are very familiar with the Tech Trees.
I really disliked the new Tech Tree system due to it’s research, regarding Italy.
This is mainly going to apply to the Germany tech tree but whatever.
As you may know, there are many weapons to unlock in these trees, progressing you further to unlock whatever comes next. The problem I have with that is the fact that I don’t want to research any Italian weapons, since they’re pretty much useless, and unreliable in my opinion. I don’t use any Italian squads often.
So they are just a waste of time and Silver to unlock them.
They can genuinely improve that by adding Italy as a sub tree within Germany to save more time and grind less.

Its pretty self explanatory and obvious that many legacy squads have been removed, including good ones. I’m mainly on about premiums here even though I never spent a single pound on this game.

**Summary and Conclusion**I have many other reasons to make but I’m pretty sure you can make out other problems with it.
In summary, I have stated the main problems that has caused a turning point with the game, and severelyimpacted it.
In conclusion, this is mostly directed to all the pre merge players that feel the same.
And as always, the merge has completely messed up the game, and the sad thing is that it looks like it is here to unfortunately stay.


Is that why it bled players?

I don’t see why you have an issue here. Sounds made-up.

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  • Maps: map taste is subjective, and was easier to play maps you preferred in old campaign systems, so yes I think maps should be more separated based on BR than they are currently, too much overlap now

  • Tech Trees: Sounds like your only issue with the tech tree isn’t even with the tech tree system, you just hate Italian weapons for no reason

  • Squads: All squads that were removed by the merge were listed and announced plenty of time before, that’s on you


The only thing I hate about the fusion is that being BR5 they don’t give you some maps that they do give you in BR2 and they are better :cactus:

I curse you, map designer!! :japanese_ogre: :triumph:

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I’m saying how the game was already good, and how there was no need for a merge.

That didn’t really affect me, I just had to point that out.

False, as I said it was as a whole in general, and Italy was just an example

it’s just that your only negative comments regarding tech tree were:

The Italian weapons aren’t “unreliable”, you just don’t like them.

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Because they are unreliable in my opinion.

nah it wasnt in good state. you had BR5 vs BR1, you had some faction on some campaigns heavily outnumbering other faction (e.g. tunisia with 2:1 players), you had to research same weapons 5 times, not to mention 30+% of bots at start of the match.

we should be getting some preferential map system soonTM. we will see how devs fix this, but should have been here from the day merge went online.

this is best part of the merge. yes you need double grind(well less with economy change) to unlock all BR5 weapons, but it beats 5x grind we had in 5 campaigns just for germany.

no it wasnt… that is why many players asked for merge before they even announced it.

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, but the merge was essential. No game can afford a split player base—it’s bad for matchmaking, queue times, and the overall experience


Game was bad. If game was good, the market would have loved it and no merge required. Market decided that it was required and the market is always right.

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Kind of funny, since alot of the italian weapons are competitors for best in slot/BR


Beretta M38 with 20 mag is pretty dope.

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He doesn’t know about

or (ok that one is just very fun)

or that marvel here:

or even

and those are just planes. I’m not even including smgs, best of br2 AND 4 (for axis), the various carcanos or event Bredas…

honourable mention, the CHADest of tanks ever made:

engine runs on grappa.


Then you havent used beretta m38a, beretta m1 and carcano 38 yet. They are really good in their br

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:.

Agreed, but the match making is still bad. :rofl:

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Sometimes it’s not that bad
The level 5 environment that has existed for 9 months has only played its role in the first more than one month.
And then it becomes a breeding ground for bad players
Judging from the results, there is no difference from before

If I remember correctly, the official seems to have never promised this.
no expectations for this

They can also solve this problem using a common development tree

Apart from development time, I don’t think people actually care that much about the impact of the merger.
Not to mention that the merger did make a lot of equipment look like garbage and the annoying and uninteresting maps continued to be repeated.

Those bad groups that really cause imbalance in the game are more susceptible to the poison of that group if their total number increases significantly after the merger
Their performance capabilities in advanced environments are far lower than those of early stage players before the merger.

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BR is a completely failed mechanism.
Because he cannot screen players’ abilities and intelligence and seriously abuse them at the same time
Then a certain group will cry about the enemy’s IQ or equipment utilization or a certain mechanism as an excuse
Then in order to protect those OOO OOOO, the official began to destroy the performance and gameplay of various equipment and make the game environment more toxic.