Enlisted needs a better Tutorial

It’s not a secret Enlisted playerbase hasn’t the best learning curve, by now most that have experienced this game will notice team balance quickly fall uneven as one side is filled with experienced players while one side is stacked will players who do not understand what the objective of the game is. This can come down to many things, my theory being that most players playing this game come from War thunder not suited to this kind of playstyle, but what i really think comes down to players not capturing objectives or standing in a far position away from the battlefield is due to the Tutorial.

When you first play the tutorial, you get introduced to things such as, walking, sprinting, crouching, going prone and switching between soldiers, that’s it and then you shoot some targets, after that you’re sendt into Enlisted. Not only are player’s sendt into this game, but they’re sendt without the knowledge of marking, crucial to winning games, controlling they’re soldiers to move and stand still in places, so the player can rush in before sending in they’re soldiers or knowing at all what is a capture point or what objectives do in the first place. This causes the playerbase the functionally become unaware on how to really play the game besides shooting your enemy and cause situations we’re a lone experienced player is placed between a team that all have just started playing the game. Alternatively with this, there should also be a Tank tutorial and a Aircraft Tutorial on how to teach players how to play Vehicles, and show they’re importance to a match.

My suggestion to fixing the Tutorial is not only to give a Silver award for completing it, but play out as it does with its basic tutorial, but add on how to mark, position soldiers, and teach them what objectives are. After that they should be given a offline match we’re they practice out they’re skills before they’re sendt into a real multiplayer match similar as what happends the first time in War thunder. This will not only ensure better balance, but overall a better experience for the Veterans of the game, who are thrown into team’s that are have unequal ranks unlike the opposite team who tends to have more Veterans.


and not only a better tutorial,in my personal opinion you should unloock engie first,then snippers


This is bothering me more than it should lol

Outside of these, yes the tutorial is very lackluster and I do agree it should have some sort of overhaul to it. Till then, tell newbies to look up YT videos. Plenty of very well done ones all over the internet. I personally have made 2 different “how to kill tanks” videos, they’re very barebones. I’m still new to content creation, so probably not the best ones to watch, but still I think I do a fairly good job covering how to punish enemy armor that dare step onto the battlefield

Agreed, the engineers should be avaliable from the start, its a squad nessecary to win games in Enlisted

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Yes thank you for acknowlidging the way i send words on the forums, i’ll sendt you a reply about it.

Yes, YT tutorials will have to do in the meantime until the learning curve of the game has been adressed properly, you’re doing a great job by producing these tutorials, a aware Enlisted playerbase is a fun playerbase.

I just assumed English isn’t your first language and there was an error in how you learned past tense

2 users of my channel asked for these so I made them.

every game tonight was against vets japan v USA it was the usual slaughter fest br 3 v 1 they had better weapons tanks and airpower highest rank was sgt v generals and field marshalls of japs side pointless game - theirs no balance at all Now
its laughable and clan members v novices n ave guys no one will stay when the other side’s total kills top 5 were 99-140 highest a
even funnier a guy outrun a Stuart tank to place dynamite on it he killed tanks & half tracks the same way hahah still cant work how a submachine gun as same range as s sniper rifle -hacked games or aimbot I’ve no idea but balance it out -