Just on moving forward, for myself I argued that way in the future after doing WWII to a reasonable amount they should add the Korean War.
But just that. Korea, no more. It would be a tier V map rotation. Unlike even the First World War, like 95% of the weapons in the Korean War are already in game. Those that arent were still WW2 vintage.
I proposed that Japan faction would have high rank North Korean squads (since Korea was under Japanese occupation from 1910-1945) and ‘Japan’ is already set up to fight USA-UK-Commonwealth. The USSR could have high rank Chinese squads since the PRC used Soviet weapons. I dont think the queues for that would be a problem since USSR isnt queued with USA-UK anyway.
The only main difference as you allude to is jets. Now when I made my post about Korea I argued that since jets would be controversial, just leave them out.
After all, Enlisted is an FPS where aircraft’s main role is strafing and bombing. You couldnt really do that with jets very well and in Korea (and Vietnam) this tended to be done by propeller aircraft anyway.
So like the Corsair and Mustang are already in game and would not be OP.
To answer this thread’s suggestion though. I fully support this idea. I think the devs may have said theyd never do it but personally I see no reason why not.
As you said the squad system and so forth is perfect and the game is largely infantry based anyway. Just replace a Spitfire with a Sopwith Camel, a Sherman tank with a Mark V and youre good to go.
They even had tenders (veteran trucks) in WW1 so we could keep the ‘APC’ slot. Maybe even use omnibuses.
I wouldnt bother with gas/chemical weapons myself.
The only critique Id say is how would objectives work. The desert war such as fought by the Australian Light Horse under Harry Chauvel would work fine.
However the Western Front as we know was largely static so how would you capture multiple objectives?Or would it just be king of the hill?
You could capture multiple trenches I suppose. But my point is it would be kind of weird in a First World War game to be taking all these objectives when the real war was just stuck in trenches advancing barely a metre in months.
Aircraft would work fine for a tech tree but what about tanks?
The French and British to some extent you could have progression. But Germany to my knowledge only ever had the A7V. (and not in very large numbers).
One could add the Austrian Motorgeschutz as as premium (never made it off the drawing board) although Im assuming Austria-Hungary would be its own faction.
And that still leaves the problem of Austria having basically no TT tanks and Germany only one.
There are armoured cars of course which could fill out the trees but nevertheless there could be a balance problem. For myself, I accept thats the history but there are a lot of Thanos players out there.
My final thought if I may would be for DF and everyone here to consider interwar conflicts. For example the Chaco War, Spanish Civil War, Sino-Japanese Wars (the second of which fed into WWII).
Again a fair amount of tech already in game could be applied to any of these and the squad system would work well. Unlike the Great War, these 3 (and others) both sides had reasonably balanced tech (or at least both sides we can come up with various suggestions for tanks, aircraft and small arms)