Enlisted could be the best game of World War II

we can have smarter ai when we have smarter players, sorry but good players can dominate enough i dont want enemies with triple digit kill counts to squad losses

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Having potential means nothing.
Wrong people are steering the wheel
They have no idea or direction for future.
I also doubt they have any idea about real military tactics or game development .
You need examples ?
Dolphin diving was a thing then, they removed it.
So if they wanted more arcade they wouldnt do that …
But they f… up bipods so hard after high caliber that you can use them like assault rifles which is insane.
If they wanted realism they wouldnt do that …
But they also brought the idiotic new repairment system that has no place in a fast paced game whatsoever
They also f… up ai after high caliber and never fully fixed it. As a result they ,i think intentionally, turned bots to nothing but easy xp farms.
Then they introduced apcs without any significant changes regarding map design problems and they ended up easy xp pinatas for every anti tanker.
Dispersion rates are totally all over the place. Mp 38 is the most accurate smgs of german for example but way slower and less deadly fnab 43 has way more dispersion than mp38.
Paratroopers are not able to go beyond map limits but guerillas are.
I dont even want to mention hoe bad maps are. We are literally playing a combined arms game in cod sized maps for christ sake.
I can go on and on and on …
None of the big changes are consistent between eacht other neither with general gameplay.
There are 2 possibilities:

1-df really likes to troll his playerbase
2-df and /or his employees has no idea what they want to do with this game
This is very very bad news.
Having a direction ( wrong or not) is better than not having at all
Theirs actions cleraly show that they have no direction.

As a result we have a frankenstein monster


It’s Gameplay that is shit. Meaning actual combat play. Like Gun reloads being too fast, sniping, autoscope, runnning with weapons shooting, jumping, waayy too much stamina can sprint all time, Perks too much increase.
Game PACE needs to be slower for all the different elements to be of anything of use and come into it’s right element.

Take BR 5 with Tryhards full Assault Rifle Squads running around liek wild chicken all over oneshot autoaim everything laser pew pew. It’s horseshit.

Game pace needs to be slower that would fix most of it.
Then you’d have to worrie about taking cover, save your stamina for a short spring, be ready reloaded, provide covering fire, throw smoke on open ground, throw grenades wait and then enter buidlings. plan and execute strategies to take out vehicles.

THen Also should be something done about respawns. For me i’d like to see you could only spawn once with your Squads in the line-up. that would make it harder and more serious, having to really think about how you use ur Squads and would lead to more careful and strategic thinking and playing.

As of now yeas it’s wild goose chase not far away form horsesshit like CoD or Fortnite.

Then for me I’d like to See Squads, Weapons and Vehicles be locked to Campaigns aswell as having BR, that way we could add soem historical immersion back and better his historical matching.

that’s the 2 most important things for me to liek it more.

Make gamepace have more realism to bring the game to a more strategic gameplay
Historical matchups to being the immersion to where it should be


no, why f2p only have 4 squads
second enlisted is an arcade shooter not a mil sim like hell let loose
solo was phased out of the main lineup for a reason
games would not slow down they would just be much shorter
yes i would like it to be slower but not hell let loose slow
i do not want to spend 90% percent of the game traveling and 10 in combat

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That’s such BS take.

If you don’t like the gameplay, why are you even playing the game?
There are many FPS games with slower pace for likes of you.

For example, I’m one of those people who definitely appreciate the fast-paced, action-packed, condensed gameplay of Enlisted.

I don’t want to spend 1 hour to just play one match. Which would consist of:
50% of the time just walking, 10% of the time shooting, 10% of the time reloading and 30% of the time doing nothing at all.
That’s why I don’t play Squad 44 or HLL.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad gameplay. And that there aren’t players who appreciate it.

It just shows the illogic of your actions. It’s quite bizarre to spend time with a live service game of which you don’t enjoy the gameplay.


This game has great potential
But he is always poisoned by FPS mentally ill patients and idiots
What’s even more ridiculous is that officials always encourage this kind of behavior and make the game even more low-intelligence.

Officials put newcomers and idiots together with normal people

Officially, the AI’s excellent shooting ability makes low-skilled idiots cry, so the AI ​​performance has been reduced

FPS mentally ill patients and idiots have mental breakdowns because of the shells, bombs, and rockets in the war but never think about what game they are playing.

FPS psychopaths and idiots refuse to establish respawn points and use terrain to fight, making it easier to be killed by enemies, but blame the map and enemies for the problem.

Officials always weaken various equipment and mechanisms because of idiots with low skills and low IQs
But the result is that it just makes the environment more negative and toxic
(Including but not limited to)
Suicide Charge Infantry
vehicle parasite
Idiots who refuse to prepare an anti-vehicle plan
Cockroach soldiers who hide behind and refuse to move forward


Also having played dozens of WW2 games before, this was the main reason I was hooked with the campaigns idea.

Whereas the overwhelming majority of WW2 games in 2010s paid little attention to the Eastern Front or straight up ignored it, Enlisted announced Moscow, Berlin and eventually Stalingrad pretty early on.

And while any other WW2 game mostly focused on late war STG, Tiger and of course US Normandy landing, it was incredibly refreshing to fight around Moscow with early war shitty equipment for once.

I remember envying those who unlocked BT-7 as by those early days standards it was indeed a scary and potent opponent.

Then there was Berlin, with custom-made Volkssturm uniforms and weapons (another thing I don’t think I’ve ever seen in any other game) - MP 3008, VG 2, etc. It really helped convey the desperate state of the German army (yet still competitive) and upgrading to “normal quality weapons” like MP-40 or G43 felt like you got promoted from Volkssturm to Wehrmacht.

Then there was Stalingrad with it’s incredible representation of all the key locations of the city - you can still see many of them if you visit modern day Volgograd.
There were propaganda lines straight from documentaries (jeden sieben sekunden stirbt ein deutche soldat), ampulomet straight from the Volgograd museum, and more.

(By the way shout-out to @SnowieW for amazing recreation of those cities)

Unfortunately, later on Moscow was ruined by weird obsession of including T-34 and PPSh-41, which lead to time travelling fakes such as Pz IV F2, MKB 42 and giga-Fedorov also appearing there.

And Berlin was unfortunately ruined by Fedorov again, followed by AS which never even left prototype test stage.

Then the Merge happened, and even though we can again play Moscow with bolt actions and without the annoying auto-spam of MKBs, it’s now infested with yellow Italian tanquettes and Volkssturm weapons from 1945.

Berlin is basically unplayable now because it’s nothing but Fedorov, AS and RPD in the kill feed.

Enlisted had a unique campaigns idea, which, while not really sustainable with separate queues, could have been developed into something no other FPS game could offer.

Instead, it was traded for pseudo CoD/BF substitute.

And it’s a real shame.


that’s nice way to word it :+1:t3:

Zepuoj has summarized pretty well what some of us want, I think you just picture us want snail pace game squad or HLL has but it has nothing to do with it, we want pace and gunplay slowed down but keep action-pack enlisted is, it is the biggest selling point, the lots of AI, for me HLL or squad44 is way too slow, it relays way to much on communication, and is basically running around searching for people

I have been playing Erika’s mode which had slower gunplay and it was still pretty awesome

essentially we want action pack game with less mindless goofy tactics like running around mindlessly quick scoping everything etc. we want more depth to it, look more authentic. Sure it wouldn’t be great for some that’s why I think it should be separate game mode this way it would separate away players playing too slow in your lobby so I guess it’s good thing after all?


And why your preferences should take precedence over the preference of others.

You’re trying to present this as a game being completely bad just because it doesn’t reflect your specific needs. Yet there are people who are definitely comfortable with the current pace of the game and its gameplay. The game isn’t bad, it just doesn’t suit you.

If the developers changed the game to appeal to those people. Then it’ll probably put a lot of people off.
So kindly don’t try to present your opinion as something superior.
And don’t present it as that’s what decides if the game is bad or not.

oh pardon I don’t want force anyone play the way I want, quite the opposite, I realize we’re minority, everytime something realistic drop it’s the same people suggesting it over again which actually shows how dedicated we are, I suggest separate game mode once player base count allows it.


It just triggers me quite a bit when he uses words like “it’s shit”, even though it’s literally all about the player’s personal preference in that regard.
The game is definitely not bad because of the gameplay. I wouldn’t say HLL or Squad 44 are bad games either. They simply just aren’t the games for me.

Yes. I already suggested something similar as well.

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I am only minimally involved here, but I will forward it on to my colleagues.
They were made before I joined the company.


Yes Exactly

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ANd why ur shitty preference should be cared about at all then huh?
The Game is SQUAD based gemeplay with combined arms and different classes, it’s not compatible with dumb rush CoD spray n pray. it ruins the tactical aspects and game mechanics.
If you really like that horseshit Fortnite gameplay that’s on you, For me I hate that shit.
And I don’t know why you like that either, I’ve faced you in-game and you are mediocre at best wannabe tryhard.
The slowing down of gameplay is not about making the matches longer or slower, it’s about ioncreasing the realism of the battles and take away from the wild goose chase that is not realistic at all and boring as hell.
AS if you stand chase at all against chinese tryhards.
laser pew pew pray n spray is not the way for this game.
You get ‘‘triggered’’, you are triggering everythime you come with some bsaic dumb shit


Because unlike you, I’m glad for what Enlisted is.

Yet you are still playing it. So either stop playing something you hate. Or just stop lying that you hate it :joy:

I don’t even remember encountering you.

Not really, it’s about making the game slower because you personally don’t like action fast paced gameplay.

It’s completely bizarre to argument with realism in debate about game with pretty arcade(ish) FPS game.

I am pretty sure you are way more triggered than me XD

1st of april hasnt come yet

Uh… seems to be completely compatible with “dumb rush” play - I don’t think that is restricted to CoD!


Increasing AI skill with BR seems like the best suggestion I’ve seen regarding bots since players started complaining about how lame the bots became after a certain update.
The AI can actually be pretty intelligent, but they’ve been deliberately dumbed-down by the devs over several updates. If you watch how pure-bot squads behave compared to your own AI squad soldiers you’d see they are far more effective and don’t act completely retarded.


People are angry because it’s supposed to be a ww2 game based on historical fact. They blew that with the BR system and the historic maps… whoever is in charge of that part has no clue or his family is targeted by mafia. :roll_eyes: