Engineer SQUADS (1& 2): Unique Defensive/ Offensive Structures

That’s what I usually do, being a useless player in terms of combat ability, I focus my efforts on more tactical support and working with my engineers, it’s what I like to do the most…


well, i can tell you that as long you actually build rallies, that is not being useless in terms of combat abilities either.

because you are aiding those who fights.
( so thanks for helping and do what not many people do like we do ).

on the other hand, many people do not… even place a rally or have engineers in the first place.

which i’d argue it’s worse.

gets no kills, no rallies, nothing.

15 minutes with barely capture point in their score, barely above 20 kills, no engy points…


which on the other hand, it’s fine. not everyone has to be " god " in the game.

but… i was fairly sure these type of stuff were in the tutorial.

tutorial need be improved…and thanks, many don’t like people like us, the other day a clown insulted me for don’t be in high tier in the list of kills and a few protect me because I was making good helping with the walls,rallies,nests and such…



there are those type of people…

the toxic kind who insults the team despite being part of it.

so… idk what’s going on inside their head.

i kinda do that too, but way more generalized. and don’t really actively insult people in particular.
because at the end of the day, they are just trying to have fun.
or, they might be legit new. and last thing they need, is some scorns from allies.

but the loudmoths sure do deserve some of their own medicines…
even though, those people will be everywhere. not much that you can do beside ignore them.

Adding on to these ideas because I like where you’re going with it.

WINDOWED SANDBAG: These don’t even need to be a separate construction wheel option. If you stack a sandbag on-top of another they could just default to a windowed sandbag. Maybe with the option to have a metal cover on the inside so anyone inside the bag can open and close the window so they can decide if it should be a full sandbag wall or a windowed wall with the same structure, saving construction wheel space.

HANGAR CONSTRUCTION SETTINGS: Because you’ve outlined a bunch of new ideas that would add to the wheel and be more complex, there could be a setting in the main screen where players can choose which structures their engineers can make. So in the case you have various AT/AA weapons, players are limited to how many weapon types their engineer can construct in battle. This would also help balance these new weapon types so players have to decide what they want to prepare for rather than be able to magically spawn the perfect weapon counter to any situation they find themselves in during battle.

DEDICATED KEY FOR BUILDING: Rather than have to switch to an engineer with a building tool then accessing the build menu through that, have a button for building (similar to switching Squad mates or calling artillery) where if you have an engineer in your squad the button becomes enabled. This allows you to open the construction wheel using any soldier and when you place an object, the engineers in your squad automatically start building while you keep lining up your next structure.

Instead of “auto cannons” they should just make the AA guns return to having full traversal. They were used against infantry as well, and they are weak in the first place and became massive targets to the enemy.

And I think Heavy AA guns should have full traversal as well because it adds a really great opportunity. Heavy AAs were used as AT guns as well so it would give us two play styles when using it. So we can fight the air and the ground

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The thing is, its the job of engineers, regardless of squad, to build fortifications. That is something I’m sure we can all agree with.

Other squads have unique structures that only the engineers within THOSE squads can build.

  • MG squad builds HMGs
  • AT squad builds AT field guns
  • Flamethrowers build Ampulomets
  • I’m sure others will follow

IF players choose to not have an engineer in their squad, that’s on them.

The issue that I am seeing however, which is one of the major reasons for this post and also why I bring up my suggestion for changing the “dismantle” feature, is that the meta needs to be shaken up a bit.

If players are running around with squads that don’t have an engineer, and instead are walking around decked out with assaulters, grenade pouches, etc. They should NOT be able to just walk up and break structures down, unless they have some kind of consumable to trade for that capability.

If they don’t want to bring engineers, or a consumable, then it should be as simple as THEY AREN"T ABLE TO DESTROY IT.

It will force players that are only focused on that one way of thinking to find flanks, or adapt.

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I had considered this, but the issue is that not ALL double stacked sandbags walls should have windows in them. There needed to be a way to choose between the two.
Additionally, in the case of placing one in a window, how else would you get it to choose a windowed sandbag wall?
The idea is to reduce the area that a projectile can come through, while still being able to shoot through it yourself.

I disagree with this for 2 reasons:

  1. It adds another “interaction” button, when there are already enough issues for those of us on console.
  2. Trolls would take such advantage of that, closing the windows directly in your face.

I actually had considered this, but after thoroughly thinking it through, I decided that could potentially cause more problems than it would solve.

One of the big reasons that I suggested removing the AT field gun as a whole from the engineer class (believe me, I use that thing a LOT), is that it exists on the AT squad, but nobody really ever uses the AT squad for that purpose.

So by eliminating it from the engineer squad, and replacing it with other options, it better optimizes the engineer squads for their intended roles, rather than making them “Jack of all Trades, Master of None”.
Through my suggestion, it forces them to play more on the support and defensive side, as they should be.

Personally, I think the hammer option is fine as is. The only addition in this regard that I would advise adding would be this:

The thing is though, I’ve used the SPAA options that came as event rewards on Moscow. These “tanks” have the AA weapons, but with the options of AP or HE.
Personally, I don’t think having that as an option for full rotation AA is a good idea balance wise.

Additionally, it would be taking the place of AT field guns for the engineer squad, so a semi-mobile weapon placement like that would be a great way to fill that hole.

The Flak cannons should NOT be capable of aiming at the ground targets. Plain and simple.

The AT field guns are for that role, and those can be found on the AT squad.

If you get too much versatility on one squad, it throws the balance off, which is exactly what I’m trying to FIX with this suggestion in the first place. Making the engineer squad more specialized rather than an “all purpose” squad.

Lol, such dismantle mechanic is needed because engineer can easily spam their defense fortification quickly with little cost.
Unless you greatly increase the building time and building cost of defense fortification or else you will see toxic situation where everyone will always take 3 explosive pack because they can’t longer dismantle them anymore and you will see more player spamming defense fortification all over the room.

Lol, you should know that single engineer in a normal squad is really easy to die.

It will force players to just spam more explosive pack to destroy fortification lol.

interesting, it even gave me an idea that instead of there being engineer 1 and 2 there would be offensive engineer and defensive engineer as if they were classes, with unique buildables

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If we start giving more powerful weapons to engeneers it can cause imbalances and become too disruptive.

I wouldn’t be opposed to that. It definitely would help to break up the current meta of just spamming bodies downrange as quick as possible.

I just broke them up into Engineer 1 and Engineer 2 for ease of implementation, as brand new squads I don’t think are necessary.

Engineer 1 squads everyone gets really early on, and with my suggestions would be good for both offensive tactics as well as light fortifications. So even when the merge comes in, there will be something useful for that level.

The Engineer 2 squad I based more heavily into defenses because by the time you unlock them there are tons of ways that you can get through the lighter defenses. It gives more options for a meaningful defense that is actually capable of holding up to everything else.

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If you don’t contribute to the suggestion, I would appreciate it if you would stop making fun of people who are really looking to improve the game

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The whole reason that I made this suggestion in the first place is to disrupt the current imbalances and state of play.

Specifically the ability for players to endlessly lob troops at the objective and there not really be much in the way of defenses outside of “just shoot them”.

There is a whole host of equipment, soldier types, and tactics that are completely underutilized right now because they made the run-and-gun tactic so much stronger (I assume to draw in players from COD and such).

By implementing the structures that I am suggesting, it disrupts the run-and-gun playstyle and forces them to adapt a bit. Using things like flanking, smoke cover, TNT to break structures, close tank support, sniper support to take out entrenched enemies, even mortars would once again become useful.

As far as

The ONLY “more powerful weapon” on that list is the flak cannon. Which as I stated should be restricted to AA use, and not allowed to angle down.

The Autocannons would actually remain the same in terms of firepower, the only difference is that you could angle down. The thing is though, in terms of firepower, its a downgrade from the AT field gun, and still doesn’t beat out the HMG in capability of killing infantry.
However, by giving them the autocannons, it creates a unique defensive (and offensive) element that could be easier used from longer ranges, or even from rooftops. Allowing for a wider variety of targets.

With AP loaded in it, it would essentially just be a less mobile AT Rifle but with a scope and a larger magazine. Effective against some tanks but not as strong as the AT field gun, which as I said would still be on the AT squad. Also effective against planes with heavier armor (there are a couple).

With HE loaded, it would be decent against infantry and allow for accurate elimination of infantry and light targets, as well as effective suppressing fire, as the lower caliber HE would still be enough to get most targets to seek cover.

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Personally I have that individual muted so I don’t have to put up with his trolling, so I’m glad you pointed out that he is here, once again trolling.

It took me a bit to actually find his comment as for the most part there is really good conversations going on here, but in response to his “spam explosive packs” theory:

Through the implementation of my suggestions, especially the windowed sandbags, it would be much more difficult for people to get close enough to accurately throw the explosive packs. In addition, heavier fortification options will help to reduce the effectiveness of grenade ordinance (explosive packs).
Additionally, because they would be immune to fragmentation damage, it means that the explosive packs would need to repeatedly land very close to take out a structure.

This is intentional.
Would people still try to spam explosive packs? Probably. However, given that they would no longer be anywhere near as effective, I anticipate that they will move to the intended options to break through structures, such as TNT.

The thing about TNT though is that you have to get very close to set it. With the windowed sandbags, that would be more difficult, leading some players to actually focus more on packing SMOKE grenades rather than explosive packs, in order to blind the enemy, move up, and blast with TNT.

In addition, the circular sandbag option I mentioned for foxholes will become extremely useful for attacking forces to be able to get into position for that exact strategy, among others.

The stronger fortifications would indeed cost more and take a little longer to set up as well. Which given that they are on ENGINEER squads, shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Sidenote: usage of rifle grenade usage would likely see an increase, but players would need to learn to actually aim with them, in order to get the shot through the window of a sandbag wall. Overall making it much more interesting combat and slowing down the pace of the battle a little bit.

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As with many things, in some ways everything has a delicate dance to it. A Heavy AA gun may be strong, but it has no shield, has a large profile, and you are exposed. You are an easy target for snipers, tanks, planes, mortars, etc.

An AT gun has a very low profile and is more protected than an AA gun. It’s a lot easier to hide your AT gun in plain site than an AA gun

And I disagree it would make AA too versatile because as I said both AA and AT have their pros and cons and every player would have to decide what they want to do.

That is where I am hoping that players will work together more effectively, OR an engineer main can take both Engineer squads, and combine the circular trench hole part with the big AA, allowing the crew of the AA to have a bit more cover.

Lol, how did I make fun of people? I am just pointing out the possible impact of the stuff that he suggested. Or you just can’t accept people disagree his suggestion?

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Lol, people that disagreeing with you = trolling. How is the statement I posted on top trolling?
Isn’t that you spam your nerf explosive pack and buff fortification theory in some unrelated topic trolling?

That windowed sandbag looks very easy to flank lol. Just flank it and throw explosive pack on it?
Unless you have buildable MG or HMG in it, or else the firepower isn’t enough to stop people from getting close.

It means that people will bring 3 explosive pack instead of 1 to destroy fortification.

You can bring explosive pack and TNT together anyway.

Don’t expect people from this game to play tactically, they will just spam more explosive.

Also, the stuff I first reply to you is talking about dismantle stuff. The fortification I said in that post is the normal fortification. I didn’t even talk about your heavier fortification.