Engineer - AT Guns, MG Nests

Please continue to improve the following for Engineers.

Moveable AT guns shake when deployed, very tricky to get the required shot sometimes…

MG Nests are very hard to deploy, unless totally flat ground, can’t believe that is realistic,

If the above can be acknowledged that would really help this game get even better than it is now!


Also add back MG42 to all axis maps except Moscow


maybe one day we ablle to choce and unlock all kinds of AT guns and AA guns, i would love to see those guns behind the squad in menu, just like i see the tank in my armor squad.

plus, it will give the DEV,s more things to sell. maybe premiun AT gun? germans got some sirius stationary weapows.


88mm Flak 36 AT/AA will be bad ass premiun AT gun.

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I do not think that 88mm Flak 36 AT/ AA gun would be a good idea to give as an option for the engineer to build.

However, there could be maps in Normandy and North Africa (Tunisia) campaigns where there could be 88mm guns that the opposing side would have to take out/ destroy and these guns could be used for Anti-Tank/ Anti Aircraft purposes with engineers?

Same for BERLIN maps, have few 88mm guns in the city that can be used/ destroyed by either side. They turn 360 degrees on their platform anyway.

  • Personally I think that could be a great game mode/ idea and it would also be realistic at the same time.

It was in North Africa where Germans initially figured out that the 88mm gun was excellent for Anti-Tank purposes, it was a “happy accident” for the German side.

In all and all, what I am suggesting is to have STATIONARY 88mm guns in three different campaigns.

Tunisia, Berlin and Normandy.

This would spice up the game nicely, add more danger for the pilots flying over the sky and make all the tankers think twice where to drive and with what?

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