Enforce Gold Ranks Matchmaking

You can “pair with competent players” yourself, lol. But okay


But you can at least pair gold ranks together. It beats sweating every game winning by the skin of your teeth.

Rank dont translate to skill. I have met many marshalls who dont contribute to victory at all.

I think that sweatstacks are bigger problem. 4 players who can communicate efficiently with eachother vs bunch of randoms. The matchmaker should put stacks against stacks for more fair gameplay


my guy this is legit a good fucking suggestion. i agree if youre in a stack you should be pitted against other stacks as well. my raged fueled topic has turned into an eye opener after you commented this. thank you man. it should be a good direction towards even games where even if its a sweatshack it also can be a massive highlight reel. hope the devs see this and people mass like this post.

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Yes, I believe you are right on point. I think 4 stacks in 10vs10 matches are the biggest issue in relation to balanced games.

This is often overlooked though, because the game doesn’t tell you that there are 4 stacks in the match. And then people just making up weird speculations about why their matches are so unbalanced.


good thing is,

it appears devs are planning on doing something about it too:

it’s currently in development ( right tab )

so. it’s a matter of time.

which it can vary between months, up to years.

who knows really.

in the meanwhile, you can, as adamn said, fight back by playing with friends or grouping up with randoms through the discord.

unfortunately, there are no other ways.


some dumb guys said me players having marshal and brigadier general rank doesnt mean they r good. i got the worst match in which our guys have bunch off lieutenants and enemy team have 2 marshals, 3 golden rank

Sure, but 8 / 10 times it is the differency does the invidual even know what is cap point or not.

Agree. There was mention about it in the news regarding punishing for leaving.
No idea how they are about to implement it, id guess yet another soft rule that hardly does anything.

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Exactly… I just made Marshall a couple days ago, however I am an AVERAGE player at best. I am 60 years old, retired and half blind in my right eye, so, there are a lot of people much lower rank then myself that are better then me. In two years, I have only been over 100 kills TWICE! So, don’t let rank fool you. The only thing that I might have is the fact that I have been playing a couple years and know the maps and maybe have figured out some things that work for me.

Rank / Skill Based Matchmaking is not something I will support … Stack vs Stack I do however, that makes sense. (and just a note for reference in case anyone does not know at this point: Rank currently has NO effect on matchmaking, only your equipped BR does)
IMO, RBMM / SBMM just leads to the downfall of social aspects of gaming. I enjoy playing with friends at times … many of them are different ranks or just coming to the game. So, I do have my concerns and I am against such changes. Specifically in Enlisted: Basing it off of rank though, with the current rank system is just not sufficient. rank really only shows who plays a lot which “loosely” relates to game knowledge and what you have available to you. But in actuality it doesn’t relate to skill or what you do in game … just that you win or when you lose you have at least one battle hero, and you don’t even have to do that all the losses you get.

DF should (and have mentioned already) make new rules for groups / stacks in development and if possible, a solo only option. I would also like to see more efforts to mitigate playerbase faction stacking. Some have been announced as well:

  • Silver for join any team (though I think join any team should be replaced by multi faction select with bonus increasing with amount selected).
  • New Content Drops being more evenly interesting between factions
  • Events continue to have representation of all 4 factions for squads
  • Events returning to claim tickets so that you don’t have hype only on one faction’s new squad … it spreads out instead.

The other thing to account for is … you get to choose the faction you play as in Enlisted… so there are times where there just isn’t players in the queue to fill such rolls. A couple nights ago for example, US High BR was showing some over 5-minute wait times simply because there wasn’t the Japan or Germany High BR to play against. Really with how small the playerbase we have (though, I’ve heard reports we are growing), this is the crux of the issue. . . and while some may be for removing that choice, others are not or have also mentioned that it could just fall into an instance of backing out until you get the faction you want.

Major pill to swallow is this … Competent players that actually play the objective or do team-based actions like building rally’s … yeah, they are the MINORITY.

I personally think it was a mistake to even add the ranks to the in-game scoreboard and kill feed as all it has seemed to do is confuse players it seems. Would make more sense to replace with what BR they are equipped with.

i dont trust anything devs promise till they actually implement it correctly. for all we know we will get soft rule that will match against other stacks if there are stacks in queue, otherwise they will get normal MM which will fix nothing.


I’ve deserted a br 1 match yesterday (I play with my meme br1 min/low axis team) when I saw 3 sov nerds top br2 obviously here to seal club in a stack, spamming pps43.

Got no time to entertain those stains.

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Found more than few times BR3 asian alphabet stacks playing in BR2, probably quits if they get uptiered.

But we must remember this kind of game breaking issues aint that bad of problem.
Nr1 issue is the quitting /s

At the very least, br 2 with pps43 or 42, can hold it’s own against br3…

But a newcomer br1 seal? I turn into a seal myself using the earliest equipment possible (I don’t want to seal club. It’s a weakling thing) Mp28 is extremely funny to use… but it’s the worst smg in the game and against pps spam, won’t go far, if those pps are used by coordinated stains.

Well, at least you can get pretty early baretta 20.

I think majority of BR2 smg’s regardless of faction can compete with BR3 smg’s.
Regardless theres the PPsh box with 0.2 dispersion which apparently isnt a mistake or bug since it has been like that for years now.

Biggest issue id say is the vehicles as PZ3J1 for example starts to struggle quite alot against BR3.
As well as the anti-tanks.
For germuts & sovjets the somewhat work around is to buld pak with engineer II that can deal with them.

I know, I considered it.

But when I play br1, I play for the “newcomers experience”. Reminds me a bit the fun I had when I first started. Struggling with bad weapons is funny to me, I mostly use m93, drilling and mp28. And gold Schmeissers (wonder if mp28 is better). My main tank is flakpz1.

I use a mirror Soviet br1 as well. It’s fun. I don’t overpower newcomers just because I have unlocked better things. If I beat them it’s just thanks to my know how.

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Well, I wasn’t speaking of you. I just said every noob can get good weapon pretty early on. While still playing his BR1 lineup.

Certainly, but. Those costs. From my experience (I play low br 1 a lot) newcomers have bare bone squads and equipment. Sure they COULD use top 1… but they won’t. They will use varied stuff, some of which is br2, then 3… (they don’t spread their unlocks).

So at br1… you never meet well equipped guys. Exept br2 top of the line seal clubbers. When I see a pz3N spam with other stuff trying to trample baby players, it’s the “eye roll” reaction from me.

If I am not mistaken, it’s Tier 1 weapon. Those are really cheap in comparison to everything else.