Enforce Gold Ranks Matchmaking

If I am not mistaken, it’s Tier 1 weapon. Those are really cheap in comparison to everything else.

Yes, but by the time they unlock those, those players will also use mixed br2 stuff… they won’t be br1 anymore.

They don’t know about “the dangers” of switching br :laughing:

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unfortunately, there are no other ways.

For now. :slight_smile:

I would really be interested in the statistics of the servers. How many players really play on which side, I’m pretty sure that this will be clearly to the disadvantage of the Germans and Japanese. The whole system Enlisted has at the moment simply tempts players to switch sides after losing with the Germans or Japanese for the 4th-… time in a row and play Liber Soviet or Allied. This makes the problem even worse. The ones who suffer are players like me who haven’t played a single match with the Allies or Soviets. And if it continues like this, I’m thinking about starting there just for the event points. It’s sad but apparently you have to do it to win at all. I was always a marshal in previous seasons, but now I’m bobbing around at lvl. 50. I don’t want to waste the time I can play with pointless matches, so I desert the matches that look hopeless to me. I don’t think anyone can blame players for that. Especially not those who play on the winning side and play against 50% + bots and celebrate themselves for it.

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