End game AT rocket launchers for every nation

Due to the current (and future) addition of heavily armored tanks I feel like its time to give everybody their magnum opus of anti tank rocket launchers. This would help to deal with the immense number of these tanks at top tier. Although CAS will still be the most potent counter to these tanks, especially the ones in the greyzone, more content for infantry is always needed!


Type 4 90mm


At the beginning of 1945 due to the lack of armor penetration on the 74mm Type 4 rocket launcher a new 90mm variant was tested. The rocket had a velocity of 106m/s and was able to penetrate 120mm of armor.


RPzB 54/1 Panzerschreck


Introduced in January 1945 it used a shortened tube to decrease weight and used an improved rocket which increased the effective range. It also had a metal blast shield and improved sights when compared to the Ofenrohr, but the penetration remained the same.




A prototype from 1943 which fired spin stabilized RPM-82 rockets. The gun had a safety shield which allowed safe shooting from the shoulder. The rocket had a penetration of 140mm and a velocity of 200m/s.


T24 3.25 inch


The T24 was tested in May 1944, it was the result of a project which tasked the designers to make a new rocket launcher able to defeat german tanks from a distance. It used a new 3.25 inch (82.55mm) rocket which would be able to pen around 200mm* of armor.

(Why not the T74 Super Bazooka, you might ask? Because it has been suggested many times before and every time it is deemed too powerful and is complained that it is from the post war era.)


Too weak to deal with top tier. It will be Br3 at best.

140mm is weaker than the panzerfaust at br3.


Those are the best domestic rocket launchers the nations developed, the type 4 90mm is the best Japan can ever get (as far as Im aware).

The PTR-82 for the soviets might have worse pen but the velocity is twice that of the panzerschreck so it should be stupid easy to use even at the longest of ranges.

I also avoid captured equipment as 3 of the 4 rocket launchers I suggested would just be panzerschrecks.


Comically, by the same people who think the pfausts frontpenning the heaviest tanks in-game is fine, but somehow get cold feet when another faction has the same capability.


I wonder who those people might be? :thinking:

But yes, the USA need a new rocket launcher as the M9 doesnt cut it against the big cats, well not reliably at least.


Maybe because dont need to equate ever faction on every aspect.