Teammates rarely mark enemy tanks , can’t be harder for planes to bomb.
Separate the additional scores to encourage teammates to mark enemy tanks, to stop them being a bunch of suckers -
faster rally building, it’s the main reason there’s no rally.
ammo box used 18 30
Isn’t a marker already received 15-40 assist score if a marked tank successfully destroyed?
yes, it do, but teammates never 1.mark enemy tanks 2.put ammo box/rally , a bonus is necessary.
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Planes could scan for tanks with unlimited range, so it’s not a problem for an expirienced pilot:)
1.Planes could scan >2000m
2. u do it for me
On this I think vehicle assists need to be higher, im sick of killing the whole crew and setting the engine on fire only for a tank to plink a random shell off it and get all the score